A+ District Meet Form 2024-2025

For Meet Directors Only! Enter your meet information and materials order below.

IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: District meets must be scheduled between Dec. 2 and Jan. 31 for fall/winter meets, or between Feb. 1 and May 24 for spring meets. No district meets may be scheduled prior to Dec. 2. If your meet is scheduled for early December, you will receive your materials several days prior to your meet date, but those materials may not be used prior to Dec. 2. Contests that take place in November may use Invitational materials, which are ordered through the UIL Online Store.

If your meet is in December/January but you will have writing events in November, order Invitational writing materials for your writing events and complete the form below to order District materials for the rest of your events. Do not request district writing materials using this form if you are ordering invitational writing materials.


Space is provided below for two meet dates. If you have district contests scheduled on different days that are more than 3 days apart, please enter both meet dates and indicate in the provided box which events are on the earlier date. For example, some districts hold their writing events on a different date several days prior to the main part of their meet. In that case, enter the writing date for First Meet Date and the date of the rest of the meet for the Additional Date. Keep in mind that no district materials may be used prior to Dec. 1. Any events scheduled prior to Dec. 1 must use A+ Invitational materials, or materials from another source.

Click Submit when you have completed your form.

First Date of Meet Competition
Additional Date (if applicable)
If you entered two dates, specify which
events are on the FIRST Meet Date.

If you will have writing events in November,
check the box at right.
You must order Invitational writing materials.

Do not include estimates for writing events on this form if you are hosting writing in November because these materials may not be used in November.

Meet Director's Name
Meet Director's Email Address
Meet Director's School
Meet Director's Shipping Address
(No PO Boxes)

Shipping Address City
If your meet will take place at the Meet
Director's School, check the box at right.
If your meet will take place at another
location, enter the name of the school or facility.

If your contest materials should be shipped to the Meet
Director at the above address, check the box at right.
If you need a different shipping address, enter that information below. (ONLY IF DIFFERENT FROM DIRECTOR'S SHIPPING ADDRESS ABOVE)
Ship To Name
Ship To School
Ship To Address (No PO Boxes)
Ship To City
Ship To Email Address
Enter information about applicable holiday breaks below. Accurate holiday break information is critical to the shipping schedule.
Enter the dates of your Thanksgiving break
(for meets in December only)
Enter the dates of your Christmas break
(for meets in early January only)
Enter the dates of your Spring Break
(for meets in March and April only)
What grade levels will participate in your meet?
List the school districts (ISDs) participating:

List the individual schools participating 1-20:

Cont. schools participating 21-40:

In the blanks below, enter the ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTESTANTS you anticipate for each event.
EXAMPLE: if your meet includes grades 2-5, and you expect approximately 25 total 4th grade entries and
25 total 5th grade entries in Art, enter 50 in the blank next to Art - Grades 4, 5 & 6.
Art - Grades 4, 5 & 6
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Art - Grades 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Calculator Applications - Grades 6, 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Chess Puzzle - Grades 2 & 3
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Chess Puzzle - Grades 4 & 5
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Chess Puzzle - Grades 6, 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Creative Writing - Grade 2
estimated total contestants

Dictionary Skills - Grades 5 & 6
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Dictionary Skills - Grades 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Editorial Writing - Grades 6, 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Impromptu Speaking - Grades 6, 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Listening Skills - Grades 5 & 6
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Listening Skills - Grades 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Maps Graphs & Charts - Grades 5 & 6
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Maps Graphs & Charts - Grades 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Mathematics - Grades 6, 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Modern Oratory - Grades 6, 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Music Memory
Audio for Music Memory is provided digitally via a link that will be emailed to the meet director.
Music Memory - Grade 2
estimated total contestants

Music Memory - Grades 3 & 4
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Music Memory - Grades 5 & 6
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Music Memory - Grades 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades
(you may opt to include 6th graders in the 7/8 test.)

Number Sense - Grades 4, 5 & 6
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Number Sense - Grades 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

One-Act Play
enter total number of SCHOOLS participating in OAP (no materials shipped for OAP)
download all items from UIL website.

Oral Reading - Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Ready Writing - Grades 3 & 4
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Ready Writing - Grades 5 & 6
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Ready Writing - Grades 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Science - Grades 6, 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Social Studies - Grades 5 & 6
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Social Studies - Grades 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Spelling - Grades 3 & 4
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Spelling - Grades 5 & 6
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Spelling - Grades 7 & 8
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

Storytelling - Grades 2 & 3
estimated combined total contestants for these grades

If you prefer to receive your materials in a digital format
instead of in printed packets, check the box at right.

Digital materials will be emailed to you earlier than printed materials to allow time for duplication.
Email aplus@uiltexas.org if you have questions.
Review your information carefully before clicking the Submit button below.
Complete the Captcha verification first, then hit submit to receive your confirmation.