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Boys Soccer Team Information

Teams winning the regional quarterfinal game must fill in this team information form. Please do not fill in this form unless your team reaches that point in the playoffs.

Please be prepared to fill in ALL requested information. Please DO NOT type in all caps or all lowercase; type in normal case only. After you have completed the form, you MUST click the "Submit" button in order for your information to be sent to the UIL office. Be sure to review your information carefully before clicking "Submit". If you do not see a confirmation message after you click "Submit", your information has not been received.

Be careful not to hit your Enter or Return key, as this will cause your form to be submitted prematurely. Use your Tab key to move to the next blank on the form.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are REQUIRED - your form cannot be submitted if these blanks are empty. Team photos, head coach photos, and team logos may be submitted via the Photo Submission Form.


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