Conference 5A
District Representatives: 1. El Paso: Andress / El Paso: Bowie; 2. El Paso: Hanks / El Paso: Eastwood; 3. Plainview / Amarillo; 4. Abilene / San Angelo: Central; 5. Lewisville: Marcus / Denton; 6. Fort Worth: Dunbar / Fort Worth: Trlmble Tech; 7. Arlington: Martin / Arlington: Houston; 8. Euless: Trinity / Hurst: Bell; 9. Garland: South Garland / Garland: Lakeview Centennial; 10. Dallas: Spruce / Dallas: Samuell; 11. Dallas: Kimball / Duncanville; 12. Richardson: Pearce / Richardson: Berkner; 13. Longview / Tyler: Lee; 14. KiUeen / Georgetown; 15. Spring: Westfleld / Humble; 16. Houston: Cypress Fairbanks / Bryan; 17. Houston: Strafford / Alief: Hastings; 18. Houston: Westbury / Houston: Madison; 19. Houston: Washington / Houston: Lamar; 20. Houston: Yates / Houston: Milby; 21. Houston: Smiley / Galena Park: North Shore; 22. Beaumont: Central / Beaumont: West Brook; 23. League City Clear Lake / Pasadena; 24. Freeport: Brazoswood / Angleton; 25. Austin: Johnson / Austin: Lanier; 26. Victoria / Corpus Christi: Ray; 27. San Antonlo: Lee / San Antonio: Madison; 28. San Antonlo: Houston / San Antonio: Hlghlands; 29. Laredo: Nixon / Laredo: United; 30. San Antonlo: Jay / San Antonlo: South San Antonlo; 31. Mission / McAllen: Memorial; 32. Harlingen / Brownsville: Pace.
Bi-District: El Paso: Andress 80, El Paso: Eastwood 73; Plainview 93, San Antonio: Central 60; Fort Worth: Trimble Tech 56, Lewisville: Marcus 47; Arlington: Martin 55, Hurst: Bell 51; El Paso: Hanks 76, El Paso: Bowie 63; Amarillo 92, Abilene 90; Fort Worth: Dunbar 76, Denton 57; Euless: Trlnity 61, Arlington: Houston 48; Dallas: Samuell 47, Garland: South Garland 46; Dallas: Kimball 60, Richardson: Berkner 35; Longview 77, Georgetown 72; Spring: Westfield 45, Bryan 38; Dallas: Spruce 86, Garland: Lakeview Centennial 65; Richardson: Pearce 56, Duncanville 53; Killeen 84, Tyler Lee 65; Humble 71, Houston: Cypress Fairbanks 67; Houston: Madison 68, Houston: Strafford 53; Houston: Washington 62, Houston: Milby 45; Beaumont: Westbrook 76, Houston: Smiley 72; Houston: Clear Lake 89, Angleton 60; Alief: Hastings 82, Houston: Westbury 72; Houston: Yates 76, Houston: Lamar 69; Galena Park: North Shore 65, Beaumont: Central 53; Pasadena 74, Freeport: Brazoswood 59; Austin: Johnson 86, Corpus Christi: Ray 54; San Antonlo: Lee 92, San Antonio: Highlands 83; San Antonio: South San Antonio 106, Laredo: Nixon 66: Brownsville: Pace 54, Mission 50; Austin: Lanier 70, Victoria 50; San Antonio: Houston 60, San Antonio: Madison 50; San Antonio: Jay 47, Laredo: United 40; McAllen: Memorial 73, Harlingen 70.
Area: Plainview 85, El Paso: Andress 81; Arlington: Martin 55, Fort Worth: Trimble Tech 49; El Paso: Hanks 61, Amarillo 48; Fort Worth: Dunbar 60, Euless: Trinity 42; Dallas: Kimball 58, Dallas: Samuell 46; Longview 49, Spring: Westfield 42; Dallas: Spruce 71, Richardson: Pearce 66; Killeen 83, Humble 71; Houston: Washington 58, Houston: Madison 55; Houston: Clear Lake 89, Beaumont: Westbrook 82; Houston: Yates 81, Alief: Hastings 74; Galena Park. North Shore 60, Pasadena 54; Austin: Johnson 102, San Antonio: Lee 79; San Antonio: South San Antonio 72, Brownsville: Pace 53; Austin: Lanier 83, San Antonio: Houston 77; San Antonio: Jay 101, McAllen: Memorial 54.
Regional Semifinal: Plainview 71, Arlington: Martin 67; Fort Worth: Dunbar 77, El Paso: Hanks 68; Dallas: Kimball 55, Longview 39; Dallas: Spruce 65, Killeen 56; Houston: Clear Lake 84, Houston: Washington 80; Houston: Yates 84, Galena Park North Shore 67; Austin: Johnson 81, San Antonio: South San Antonio 64; San Antonio: Jay 72, Austin: Lanier 64.
Regional Final: Fort Worth: Dunbar 77, Plainview 76; Dallas: Kimball 73, Dallas: Spruce 47; Houston: Clear Lake 61, Houston: Yates 60; Austin: Johnson 81, San Antonio: Jay 65.
State Semifinal: Houston: Clear Lake 85, Fort Worth: Dunbar 83; Dallas: K1mball 63, Austin: Johnson 50.
State Final: Dallas: Kimball 65, Houston: Clear Lake 59.
Members of the Conference 5A state champlon Kimball boys' basketball team Include Vincent Rowlett, Clarence Mack, Chad Melton, Brandon Jones, Jeremy McClin, Marlo Patterson, Chris Dyer, Louis Montgomery, Donovan Wilson, Shaun Mathis, Kelon Haynle, Charles Gentry, Jayson Walton, Jason Sasser, Royce Johnson, and Coach Jlmmy Tubbs
District Representatives: 1. Pampa / Lubbock Estacado; 2. Bye; 3. Bye; 4. Pecos / Snyder; 5. Burkburnett / Fort Worth: Boswell; 6. Everman / Fort Worth: Brewer; 7. Brownwood / Cleburne; 8. Waco: Midway / Pflugervllle; 9. Dallas: Highland Park / Lewisville: Ihe Colony; 10. Sulphur Sprlngs / Paris; 11. Dallas: Lincoln / Dallas: Adamson; 12. Dallas: Hillcrest / Dallas: Jefferson; 13. Bye; 14. Lancaster / Waxahachie; 15. Ennis / Terrell; 16. Henderson / Whitehouse; 17. Livingston / Silsbee; 18. Bye; 19. Channelview / Houston: Furr; 20. Port Arthur: Lincoln / Orange: West Orange-Stark; 21. College Station: A&M Consolidated / Willis; 22. Bye; 23. Freeport: Brazosport / Rosenberg: Lamar Consolidated; 24. Bye; 25. Austin: McCallum / Austin: Travis; 26. Bye; 27. Bye; 28. San Antonio: Alamo Heights / Boerne; 29. Pleasanton / San Antonio: Edgewood; 30. Gregory: Gregory-Portland / Corpus Christi: Calallen; 31. Bye; 32. Edcouch: Edcouch-Elsa / Laredo: Cigarroa.
Bi-District: Fort Worth: Brewer 68, Burkburnett 66; Brownwood 90, Pflugerville 63; Fort Worth: Boswell 77, Everman 75; Waco: Midway 57, Cleburne 53; Dallas: Highland Park 52, Paris 37; Dallas: Lincoln 92, Dallas: Jefferson 70; Ennis 87, Whitehouse 82; Lewisville 62, Sulphur Springs 47; Dallas: Hillcrest 59, Dallas: Adamson 45; Terrell 2, Henderson 0 (Forfiet); Channelview 74, Orange: West Orange-Stark 53; Port Authur: Lincoln 77, Houston: Furr 59; Corpus Christi: Calallen 54, Pleasanton 53; San Antonio: Edgewood 56, Gregory: Gregory-Portland 55.
Area: Pampa 62, Snyder 50; Fort Worth: Brewer 67, Brownwood 65; Lubbock: Estacado 74, Pecos 71; Fort Worth: Boswell 56, Waco: Midway 51; Dallas: Lincoln 75, Dallas: Highland Park 74; Ennis 87, Waxahachie 71; Dallas: Hillcrest 80, Lewisville: The Colony 64; Lancaster 70, Terrell 59; Livingston 83, Channelview 76; Freeport: Brazosport 65, Willis 63; Port Arthur: Lincoln 75, Silsbee 55; College Station: A&M Consolidated 74, Rosenberg: Lamar Consolidated 66; Boerne 69, Austin: McCallum 61; Corpus Christi: Calallen 81, Laredo: Cigarroa 68; San Antonio: Alamo Heights 63, Austin: Travis 51; Edcouch: Edcouch-Elsa 55, San Antonio: Edgewood 54.
Regional Semifinal: Fort Worth: Brewer 52, Pampa 50; Fort Worth: Boswell 80, Lubbock: Estacado 64; Dallas: Lincoln 86, Ennis 84; Dallas: Hillcrest 61, Lancaster 50; Freeport: Brazosport 59, Livingston 47; Port Authur Lincoln 63, College Station: A&M Consolidated 60; Boerne 68, Corpus Christi: Calallen 56; San Antonio: Alamo Heights 76, Edcouch: Edcouch-Elsa 64.
Regional Final: Fort Worth: Boswell 57, Fort Worth: Brewer 51; Dallas: Lincoln 54, Dallas: Hillcrest 48; Port Authur: Lincoln 59, Freeport: Brazosport 50; Boerne 72, San Antonio: Alamo Heights 50.
State Semifinal: Dallas: Lincoln 79, Fort Worth: Boswell 67; Boerne 59, Port Arthur: Lincoln 55.
State Final: Dallas: Lincoln 87, Boerne 77.
Members of the Conference 4A state champion Lincoln boys' basketball team include Barry Jones, Henry Thomas, Kevin Williams, Larry Thomas. Willie Black, Charlie Turner, William Wrlght, George Dixon, Brandon Polk, Cedric Collins, Charles Johnson, Keith Murray. Michael Harris, Lonnie Cooper, Marloe Thompson.
District Representatives: 1. Canyon / Dalhart: 2. Dimmitt / Floydada; 3. Slaton / Lamesa; 4. Clint / Alpine; 5. Bowie / Decatur; 6. Comanche / Abilene: Wylie; 7. Kermit / Crane; 8. Llano / Brady; 9. Gainesville / Lake Dallas; 10. Quinlan: Ford / Bonham; 11. Fort Worth: Carter-Riverside / Ferris; 12. Fomey / Malakoff; 13. Quitman / Pattonville: Prairiland; 14. ClarksviUe / DeKalb; 15. Atlanta / Gilmer; 16. Lindale / Longview: Spring Hill; 17. Marlin / Gatesville; 18. Madisonville / Groesbeck; 19. Hearne / Rockdale; 20. Navasota / Brookshire: Royal; 21. Center / Crockett; 22. Kountze / Sour Lake: Hardin-Jefferson; 23. Coldspring: Jones / Trinity; 24. Winnie: East Chambers / Hamshire: Hamshire-Fannett; 25. Austin: Lake Travis / Liberty Hill; 26. Universal City: Randolph / San Antonio: Cole; 27. Gonzales / Luling; 28. Altair: Rice / Columbus; 29. Devine / Hondo; 30. Sinton / Aransas Pass; 31. Orange Grove / Bishop; 32. Port Isabel / Santa Rosa.
Bi-District: Canyon 77, Floydada 62; Slaton 80, Alpine 54; Abilene: Wylie 61, Bowie 59; Kermit 64, Brady 55; Dalhart 70, Dimmitt 67; Lamesa 79, Clint 73; Decatur 62, Comanche 58; Crane 64, Llano 49; Gainesville 82, Bonham 51, Fort Worth Carter-Riverside 68, Malakoff 60, DeKalb 95, Quitman 61; Atlanta 90, Longview: Spring Hill 76; Quinlan: Ford 54, Lake Dallas 48; Ferris 75, Forney 71; Clarksville 47, Pattonville: Prairiland 44; Lindale 81, Gilmer 57; Marlin 73, Groesbeck 48; Brookshire: Royal 67, Hearne 56; Center 65, Sourlake: Hardin-Jefferson 58; Hamshire: Hamshire-Fannett 64, Coldspring: Jones 58; Gatesville 58, Madisonville 51; Navasota 51, Rockdale 41; Kountze 66, Crockett 53; Winnie: East Chambers 78, Trinity 68; Austin: Lake Travis 75, San Antonio: Cole 56; Gonzales 62, Columbus 59; Aransas Pass 60, Devine 49; Santa Rosa 78, Orange: Orange Grove 63; Uberty Hill 81, Universal City: Randolph 53; Altair Rice 58, Luling 55; Sinton 62, Hondo 60; Port Isabel 54, Bishop 52.
Area: Slaton 64, Canyon 54; Kermit 74, Abilene: Wylie 73; amesa 95, Dalhart 65; Decatur 85, Crane 71; Gainesville 65, Fort Worth: Carter-Riverside 56; Atlanta 70, DeKalb 69; Quinlan: Ford 58, Ferris 50; Clarksville 57, Lindale 54; Marlin 66, Brookshire: Royal 54; Center 52, Hamshire: Hamshire-Fannett 47; Navasota 80, Gatesville 54; Winnie: East Chambers 54, Kountze 50; Gonzales 59, Austin: Lake Travis 58; Santa Rosa 85, Aransas Pass 78; Altair: Rice Consolidated 85, Liberty Hill 77; Sinton 62, Port Isabel 52.
Regional Semifinal: Slaton 92, Kermit 74; Lamesa 87, Decatur 75; Gainesville 84, Atlanta 71; Clarksville 58, Quinlan: Ford 52; Marlin 71, Winnie: East Chambers 70; Navasota 81, Center 57; Gonzales 89, Santa Rosa 75; Altair: Rice Consolidated 77, Sinton 67.
Regional Final: Lamesa 65, Slaton 52; Gainesville 47, Clarksville 44; Navasota 57, Marlin 39; Gonzales 71, Altair: Rice Consolidated 70.
State Semifinal: Lamesa 100, Gonzales 69; Navasota 54, Gainesville 35.
State Final: Navasota 71, Lamesa 54.
Members of the Conference 3A state champion Navasota boys' basketball team include Shaun Frazier, Mackely Wells, William Robinson, Spencer Taylor, Kevin Baker, Donald Wesley, Steve Bouldin, Ronnie Jackson, Kevin Jefferson, Marlon Jefferson, Tommy Lewis, Derrick Thomas, Coach Mike Dacus, Assistant Coach Ken Brannan, and Mike Allen.
District Representatives: 1. Amarillo: Highland Park / Stratford; 2. Quanah / Canadian; 3. Hale Center / Abernathy; 4. Crosbyton / Seagraves; 5. Van Horn / Marfa; 6. Eldorado / Ozona; 7. Haskell / Stamford; 8. San Saba / Bangs; 9. Holliday / Archer City; 10. Krum / Aubrey; 11. Tom Bean / Sadler: S&S Consolidated; 12. Farmersville / Caddo Mills; 13. Grandview / Godley; 14. Italy / Crandall; 15. Ranger / Eastland; 16. China Spring / Moody; 17. Paris: Chisum / Bogata: Rivercrest; 18. Edgewood / Malakoff: Cross Roads; 19. Redwater / Hughes Springs; 20. Joaquin / Tatum; 21. Troup / Frankston; 22. Broaddus / Woden; 23. Grapeland / Alton; 24. Daisetta: Hull-Daisetta / Saratoga: West Hardin; 25. Rosebud: Rosebud-Lott / Rogers; 26. Shulenburg / Weimar, 27. Ingram: Moore / Comfort; 28. Nixon: Nixon-Smiley / Marion; 29. El Maton: Tidehaven / Stafford; 30. Karnes City / Yorktown; 31. San Antonio: Lackland / Lytle; 32. Ben Bolt / Three Rivers.
Bi-District: Amarillo: Highland Park 78, Canadian 73; Hale Center 67. Seagraves 45; Van Horn 46, Ozona 41; Haskell 51. Bangs 46; Quanah 66, Stratford 65; Abernathy 65, Crosbyton 62; Eldorado 65, Marfa 47; San Saba 42, Stamford 40; Aubrey 70, Holliday 63; Caddo Mills 78, Tom Bean 76; Grandview 80, Crandall 64; Moody 50, Ranger 46; Krum 60, Archer City 49; Farmersville 72, Sadler S&S Condolidated 70; Godley 57, Italy 47; China Spring 72, Eastland 71; Paris: Chisum 51, Malakoff: Cross Roads 49; Tatum 69, Redwater 64; Troup 100, Woden 44; Grapeland 63, Saratoga: West Hardin 37; Edgewood 58, Bogata: Rivercrest 28; Joaquin 53, Hughes Spring 52; Broaddus 48, Frankston 40; Alto 82, Daisetta: Hull-Daisetta 72; Weimar 62, Rosebud: Rosebud-Lott 42; Ingram: Moore 73, Marion 43; El Maton: Tidehaven 66, Yorktown 62; Three Rivers 70, San Antonio: Lackland 69; Schulenburg 59, Rogers 57; Nixon: Smiley 76, Comfort 55; Karnes City 63, Stafford 62; Ben Bolt 75, Lytle 68.
Area: Hale Center 66, Amarillo: Highland Park 45; Haskell 50, Van Horn 42; Abernathy 73, Quanah 70; San Saba 43, Eldorado 40; Caddo Mills 86, Aubrey 74; Grandview 91, Moody 81; Krum 68, Farmersville 62; Godley 52, China Spring 42; Paris: Chisum 77, Tatum 63; Troup 68, Grapeland 56; Edgewood 85, Joaquin 44; Alto 67, Broaddus 62; Ingram: Moore 97, Weimar 57; El Maton: Tidehaven 65, Three Rivers 49; Schulenburg 59, Nixon: Smiley 51; Karnes City 78, Ben Bolt 67.
Regional Semifinal: Haskell 69, Hale Center 68; Abernathy 55, San Saba 45; Krum 72, Grandview 70; Godley 69, Caddo Mills 68; Troup 80, Paris: Chisum 70; Edgewood 96, Alto 68; Ingram: Moore 88. Tidehaven 69; Schulenburg 78, Karnes City 61.
Regional Final: Abernathy 78, Haskell 51; Krum 70, Godley 58; Troup 60, Edgewood 57; Ingram: Moore 83, Schulenburg 54.
State Semifinal: Troup 77, Krum 70; Ingram: Moore 77, Abernathy 69.
State Final: Ingram: Moore 73, Troup 72.
Members of the Conference 2A state champion Ingram boys' basketball team include Burke Hesson, Scott Senter, Josh McCormick, Heath Hodges, Troy House Gene Arredondo, Tom Klaerner, Richard Blair, Manager Sean Hodges, Andy Laughlin, Steven Komppa, Chris Lyons, Coy Galloway, Lonnie Goodman, John Goodman, Assistant Coach Mike Haley, and Coach Jim Reid.
District Representatives: 1. Gruver / Follett; 2. Vega / Adrian; 3. Groom / Claude; 4. Briscoe / Allison; 5. Nazareth / Kress; 6. McLean / Lakeview; 7. Paducah / Spur; 8. Chillicothe / Crowell; 9. Sudan / Plains; 10. Sundown / Anton; 11. Wellman / Meadow; 12. Lorenzo / Petersburg; 13. Fort Hancock / Sierra Blanca; 14. Sanderson / Fort Davis; 15. Rankin / Grandfalls: Grandfalls-Royalty; 16. Ackerly: Sands / Lenorah: Grady, 17. Jayton: Jayton-Girard / Rule; 18. Munday / Knox City; 19. Throckmorton / Bryson; 20. Henrietta: Midway / Petrolia; 21. Graford / Weatherford: Brock; 22. Santon / Tolar; 23. Gorman / Lingleville; 24. Clyde: Eula / Baird; 25. Ira / Roby; 26. Trent / Westbrook; 27. Bronte / Water Valley; 28. Mertzon: Irion County / Eden; 29. Santa Anna / Voss: Panther Creek; 30. Cherokee / Lometa; 31. Blanket / Mullin; 32. Evant / Gustine; 33. Alvord / Ponder. 34. Era / Lindsay; 35. Ivanhoe: Rayburn / Whitewright; 36. Merit: Bland / Trenton; 37. Ladonia: Fannindel / Dodd City; 38. Sulphur Springs: North Hopkins / Campbell; 39. Lone Oak / Ben Wheeler: Martins Mill; 40. Avinger / Gilmer: Union Hill; 41. Coolidge / Corsicana: Mildred; 42. Oakwood / Neches; 43. Lanesville / Tenaha; 44. Wells / Chireno; 45. Kennard / Latexo; 46. Livingston: Big Sandy / Goodrich; 47. Brookeland / Burkeville; 48. Evadale / High Island; 49. Blum / Kopperl; 50. Cranfills Gap / Jonesboro; 51. Valley Mills / Meridian; 52. Frost / Aquilla; 53. Calvert / Chilton; 54. Iola / Normangee; 55. Snook / Carmine: Round Top-Carmine; 56. Moulton / Flatonia; 57. Bartlett / Granger; 58. Thrall / Thorndale; 59. D'Hanis / Medina; 60. Rocksprings / Knippa; 61. Runge / Falls City; 62. Port Aransas / Tivoli: Austwell-Tivoli; 63. Tilden: McMullen Co. / Agua Dulce; 64. San Periita / San Isidro.
Bi-District: Gruver 80, Adrian 52; Groom 82, Allison 74; Nazareth 66, Lakeview 55; Paducah 118, Crowell 79; Sudan 59, Anton 30; Petersburg 58, Wellman 49; Fort Hancock 84, Fort Davis 52; Rankin 83, Lenorah: Grady 60; Vega 72, Follett 49; Claude 60, Briscoe 51; Kress 84, McLean 75; Chlilicothe 64, Spur 49; Plains 56, Sundown 45; Lorenzo 94, Meadow 67; Sierra Blanca 67, Sanderson 66; Ackerly: Sands 59, Grandfalls: Grandfalls-Royalty 39; Jayton: Jayton-Girard 69, Knox City 67; Petrolia 49, Throckmorton 47; Tolar 57, Graford 51; Groman 59, Baird 49; Ira 72, Westbrook 63; Bronte 64, Eden 49; Santa Anna 60, Lometa 40; Blanket 50, Gustine 49; Munday 73, Rule 54; Bryson 68, Henrietta: Midway 56; Santo 62, Weatherford: Brock 55; Cbde: Eula 67, Lingleville 54; Roby 48, Trent 45; Water Valley 68, Mertzon: Irion County 54; Voss: Panther Creek 57, Cherokee 53; Evant 55, Mullin 39; Alvord 74, Lindsay 60; Ivanhoe: Rayburn 62, Trenton 57; Ladonia: Fannindel 77, Campbell 49; Gilmer: Union Hill 71, Lone Oak 65; Neches 78, Coolidge 50; Laneville 76, Chireno 54; Kennard 57, Goodrich 54; Brookeland 86, High Island 58; Era 82, Ponder 61; Merit: Bland 82, Whitewright 76; Dodd City 65, Sulphur Springs: North Hopkins 61; Avinger 57, Ben Wheeler: Martins Mill 48; Oakwood 69, Corsicana: Mildred 57; Tenaha 70, Wells 58; Livingston: Big Sandy 58, Latexo 46; Evadale 77, Burkeville 67; Blum 67, Jonesboro 54; Aquilla 83, Valley Mills 69; Calvert 65, Normangee 54; Snook 82, Flatonia 67; Bartlett 84, Thorndale 71; D'Hanis 79, Knippa 66; Tivoli: Austwell-Tivoli 67, Runge 65; Tilden: McMullen Co. 64, San Isidro 42; Cranfills Gap 48, Kopperl 26; Frost 66, Meridian 40; Chilton 53, lola 49; Moulton 49, Carmine: Round Top-Carmine 39; Thrall 69, Granger 62; Rocksprings 52, Medina 42; Falls City 60, Port Aransas 48; San Perlita 72, Aqua Dulce 61.
Area: Gruver 82, Groom 41; Paducah 63, Nazareth 49; Sudan 60, Petersburg 51; Rankin 60, Fort Hancock 59; Vega 80, Claude 51; Chillicothe 64, Kress 48; Lorenzo 72, Plains 60; Ackerly: Sands 55, Sierra Blanca 49; Jayton: Jayton-Girard 65, Petrolia 57; Tolar 71, Gorman 69; Bronte 63, Ira 49; Santa Anna 64, Blanket 60; Munday 64, Bryson 51; Santo 86, Clyde: Eula 75; Water Valley 66, Roby 57; Evant 73, Voss: Panther Creek 61; Ivanhoe: Rayburn 72, Alvord 68; Ladonia: Fannindel 88, Gilmer: Union Hill 82; Neches 64, Laneville 63; Brookeland 60, Kennard 47; Era 77, Merit: Bland 74; Avinger 64, Dodd City 62; Oakwood 78, Tenaha 63; Evadale 79, Livingston: Big Sandy 67; Blum 64, Aquilla 60; Snook 68, Calvert 64; Bartlett 66, D'Hanis 56; Tilden: McMullen Co. 89, Tivoli: Austwell-Tivoli 68; Frost 89, Cranfills Gap 69; Moulton 82, Chilton 56; Thrall 66, Rocksprings 51; San Perlita 53, Falls City 41.
Regional 1st Round: Gruver 65, Paducah 61; Sudan 76, Rankin 43; Vega 74, Chillicothe 60; Lorenzo 67, Ackerb Sands 52; Tolar 78, Jayton: Jayton-Girard 48; Bronte 63, Santa Anna 33; Santo 81, Munday 55; Water Valley 80, Evant 60; Brookeland 81, Ivanhoe: Rayburn 52; Neches 78, Ladonia: Fannindel 65; Oakwood 95, Era 78; Avinger 78, Evadale 71; Snook 60, Frost 54; Bartlett 72, Tilden: McMullen Co. 58; Moulton 96, Blum 24; Thrall 40, San Perlita 30.
Regional 2nd Round: 2nd Round: Sudan 58, Gruver 46; Vega 72, Lorenzo 57; Bronte 58, Tolar 51; Santo 63, Water Valley 51; Brookeland 73, Neches 54; Oakwood 93, Avinger 65; Moulton 68, Thrall 41; Snook 66, Bartlett 54.
Regional Final: Vega 48, Sudan 47; Santo 60, Bronte 54; Brookeland 83, Oakwood 69; Moulton 56, Snook 43.
State Semifinal: Santo 82, Brookeland 80; Moulton 67, Vega 43.
State Final: Santo def. Moulton
Members of the Conference A state champion Santo boys' basketball team Include Lance Hendrick, Dean Edwards, Glenn McDonald, Hank Cunningham, Michael Parker, Daniel Medlin, Kim Swafford, Stacy Traylor, Jenny Medlin, Christy Weldon, Shane Crawford, Billy Bob Cox, Brian Jones, Jason Dyson, and Zach Boxell.