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University Interscholastic League Logo

Instructions for Administrators

Instructions for Administrators

School District Administrators (ISD Athletic Director, ISD UIL Coordinator, ISD Fine Arts Director, ISD Asst./Assoc. Superintendent, ISD Asst. Athletic Director, etc)

Campus Administrators (Principal, Asst./Assoc. Principal, Campus Athletic Coordinator, Campus Academic Coordinator, Campus Band Director, etc)

Download PDF version of instructions here, or click the links below to expand instructions.

1. Go to the UIL Portal and create an account.
  1. To do so, click the gray “Create An Account” button and then fill in your information.
  2. School District Administrators:
    When it asks “Are you a District Level Admin/Superintendent/Support", mark “Yes.”

    Campus Administrators:
    When it asks “Are you a District Level Admin/Superintendent/Support", mark “No.”  Then mark “Yes” you are a School Admin/Coach.
  3. Type in the name of your school. (The email address you supply will be your user name.  Please remember this email and password, as this is what you will use to login each time.)
  4. Click "Create My Account."

2. Agree to the Terms and Conditions and click “Submit.”

3. Answer security questions. These will be used to verify your account if you lose your email or password. Click “Save My Security Questions/Answers.”

(At this point, you will be awaiting account approval from the district level. You will receive an email once your account has been approved.)

4. You are now ready to manage the coaches at your school, once coaches have created accounts and started registering.

5. Click the "Activity" tab.
  1. You can click on any activity to see who is registered as a coach and the status of the registrations. You can click on any registration to see a certain coach’s Registration Checklist to see all that has been completed and what has yet to be completed.
  2. Click on the “Activity” tab to add new activities or groups to your school. The “Add New Activity” and “Add New Group” buttons are at the top of the page. This allows you to add activities that are not UIL directed.

6. Under the “Reports and Validations” tab you will see:
  1. Document Validation - This is a Full Feature option where you could mark complete any uploaded documents such as certificates, driver’s licenses, etc. This feature allows the coach to upload documents and the Principal or other Admin to approve of those documents on the site, reducing paperwork and keeping all needed information in one spot.
  2. Registrations - This is the Master List of all Coach Registrations for your school. You can click on any coach registration to see that coach’s Registration Checklist. You can also filter by Registration Status and Sport by using the drop down boxes at the top of the page.
  3. Coach Document Expirations - This is a Full Feature option where you could view if any coach has an expired document. In a glance you will be able to see who needs updated documents and helps you easily manage coach clearances at the local level.
  4. Manage Documents Received - This is a Full Feature option where you could manage multiple coaches and documents at one time, noting which coaches have turned in a hard copy of a document or which coaches have completed a training, etc. For instance, in addition to RCP’s from the UIL your location may have trainings such as CPR, Hazing, Bullying, etc., and you can manage those here.

7. Under the Users and Permissions tab you can set permissions and start the account creation for people if you choose.
  1. By clicking on User Permissions you can search a current user and see what permissions they have and change those if needed.
  2. Under “Users” click “New User” to start an account for someone - a coach,  secretary, etc.  Once you have created this account, that person will get an email letting them know they need to login and continue the registration process.
  3. Under “Users” click “User Accounts” to see all the different users at that school.  You can also see their Roles here by clicking the gray “Profile Roles” button OR you can reset forgotten passwords by clicking “Reset Passwords.”  You can also click “Manage User Permissions” to manage permissions.
  4. “Roles and Responsibilities” - this is a Full Feature option that allows you to add different roles at your location beyond the roles the UIL has set.  You can tailor the roles to your school’s needs, so you can still keep track of any club or activity leader even if it is not an official UIL activity.

8. You can add Frequently Asked Question to your school level site by clicking the “Manage FAQ” tab.
  1. Click “Add a Tag” to name the overall idea of different questions that could be asked.
  2. Then click the “Add Question” button - type in the question and the answer and use the drop down box to choose a tag for that question.  
  3. Then click “View FAQ” to see your question.  (This will allow you to help the users find answers to their questions.) 


If you have questions, please email or click Contact Us within the "Help Beacon" in the bottom left corner of the UIL portal. (pictured below for reference)

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