UIL Speech Judges
If you have corrections, questions or comments regarding this information, please notify The UIL Speech and Debate department at speech@uiltexas.org or 512-471-5883.
Current high school:
New Home
Currently coaching?: Yes
Conference: AA
Number of years coached: 6
Number of tournaments judged: 0
High school attended:
Graduated high school: 1987
Participated in high school: Yes
Participated in college: No
Judging qualifications:
I have coached and judged CX debate for 6 years. All 6 years at least one team has qualified for the Octofinals or above at the CX State Debate meet. I have also coached and judged LD for 3 years.
Judging Philosophy
Judging approach: Stock Issues
Policy priority: Communication skills and resolution of substantive issues are of equal importance
Evidence philosophy: Quantity of evidence and quality of evidence are of equal importance
Paradigm: Debate is about communication and influence. If I cannot understand an argument then I cannot flow it. Speed is OK as long as you are understood. I tend to judge from a stock issues perspective. I like well-developed T arguments but the presentation cannot be too generic. You must also tell my why your opponent's argument does not work and why I should vote for you. Not the biggest fan of K's as most are too unrealistic. Counterplans are OK as long as they are competitive, non-topical and are fully developed.
Approach: Communication skills and resolution of substantive issues are of equal importance
Lincoln Douglas debate is all about upholding the highest value with a closely correlated criterion. Communication must be clear and succinct. Evidence, analytics and communication are the tripod for success in LD debate rounds.
Contact Information
email: jimmy.williams@ttuhsc.edu
office: 806 7438347
Availability Information
Meet types:
Qualified for:
Region of residence:
I will travel to: 7 8