UIL Speech Judges
If you have corrections, questions or comments regarding this information, please notify The UIL Speech and Debate department at speech@uiltexas.org or 512-471-5883.
David Hansen
Current high school:
Currently coaching?: No
Conference: NA
Number of years coached: 5
Number of tournaments judged: 0
High school attended:
Dixie High School
Graduated high school: 2009
Participated in high school: Yes
Participated in college: Yes
Judging qualifications:
Hey there! Please feel free to ask me about my philosophy before round
2 years - Community College NPDA/IE's
3 years - National Circuit NPDA/NPTE
2 years - British Parliamentary Debate/Public Forum
2 years - NPDA/NPTE - Technical Parli Debate
1 year - Director National High School Debate League of China
My preferred pronouns are he/him/his.
Public Forum Notes
Do you have any strong predispositions for or against any particular arguments? If so, what?
I am open to any kind of argument as long as it is well warranted and reasoned. As a debater and coach, I have worked with all kinds of arguments and tend to think that debaters should read the arguments that they are most personally compelled by.
What is your stance on student delivery? Should debaters be fast or slow?
I have no strong predisposition for or against speed. I just ask that all debaters are able to comprehend the debate round.
Do you call for evidence in debate rounds? What do you look for?
I call for evidence if there is a dispute on interpretation, but I tend to defer to debaters' interpretation.
What do you tend to think the most important questions in a debate are?
I am fine with speed, as long as all of the debaters are.
I am not prejudiced strongly for or against kritikal arguments.
I tend to think providing a framework for the round is important.
Policy/Parli Stuff
General Notes
Specificity wins debates.
Interpretations and advocacies should at least be read twice and slowly. Ideally you provide the judge(s) and competitors with a copy.
Pretty much nothing in my philosophy is absolute.
I tend to believe that the way we discuss the world has real impacts outside of the debate round.
If debaters are debating ethically, I tend to believe that framework arguments are more persuasive than the arguments against it. However, I will vote based on how the debate plays out. If you win that defending the topic is bad and you reject the topic, you will likely win the debate.
An argument without a warrant isn’t an argument.
I tend to believe that recording, sharing, and watching rounds is good for debate.
Theory and Framework
I love a great theory or framework shell. I am happy to vote here. I think debaters need to step outside our normal buzzwords and discuss how our interpretations alter the debate game and our education.
Counter Plans
I’m uncertain about conditionality. I am sympathetic to arguments about the MG being key and difficult. However, I also believe the negative should have some flexibility. Feel free to run your shell. Feel free to be conditional. I will vote depending on how condo plays out.
PIC’s are usually abusive in NPDA debate, but often strategic and occasionally justified – especially if the topic provides aff flex.
Delay is almost always bad, so are process CP’s.
These are fine. I read them a lot, went for them occasionally. Please provide early thesis-level analysis. I think most K shells I’ve seen are incredibly inefficient and vulnerable to impact turns. Teams should likely cut major portions of their FW page and instead develop solvency and internal links to the case.
MG’s should be more willing to go hard right (or left) to answer K’s. The aff probably links to Cap, but there is SUBSTANTIAL lit in favor of cap.
I think performance arguments can be amazing. However, they are easy to do inefficiently and hard to do well. An aff that is rejecting the motion needs to justify why: 1. Your thing matters more than the topic 2. Why you can’t discuss your thing on this topic OR 3. Why your thing is a prior question to the topic.
On the neg, you need to prove that you are an opportunity cost to the aff. Maybe it’s as simple as you need to keep debating, but you need a reason.
Judging Philosophy
Judging approach: Policy Maker
Policy priority: Resolution of substantive issues is more important than communication skills
Evidence philosophy: Quality of evidence is more important than quantity of evidence
Paradigm: I will do my best to evaluate the debate that is presented to me. I hope that the debaters provide me with a framework and clear direction on how to assess arguments. Without direction from the debaters, I will assess the aff's plan or proposal under the framework of utilitarianism.
Approach: Resolution of substantive issues is more important than communication skills
I will do my best to assess the arguments presented before me. In LD, I start with the value and will vote for the team whose arguments best support the winning value. I am fine with either more "progressive" or "traditional" cases.
Contact Information
email: david.bo.hansen@gmail.com
Availability Information
Meet types:
CX State
State Meet
Qualified for:
Region of residence:
I will travel to: 2 5