UIL Speech Judges
If you have corrections, questions or comments regarding this information, please notify The UIL Speech and Debate department at speech@uiltexas.org or 512-471-5883.
Caylee Myers
Current high school:
Currently coaching?: No
Number of years coached:
Number of tournaments judged: 0
High school attended:
Forsan ISD
Graduated high school: 2024
Participated in high school: Yes
Participated in college: No
Judging qualifications:
I participated in various UIL speech events such as oral reading, storytelling, and impromptu speaking for my elementary and junior high careers. As soon as Debate was offered to me my freshman year I joined the team and qualified for the Texas State Tournament all four years of high school, advancing to medal rounds two of those years. I am passionate about speech and debate and want to help teach others the lessons I learned in CX Debate, which I still hold near to my heart.
Judging Philosophy
Judging approach: Tabula Rasa
Policy priority: Communication skills and resolution of substantive issues are of equal importance
Evidence philosophy:
Paradigm: I am a mix between a stock issues and tabula rasa judge. Though I usually lean more heavily toward tabula rasa. The affirmative team always has the burden of proof, but the negative has to explain how the affirmative has not met that burden. I want you to explain your arguments to me. Connect the dots instead of assuming I will connect them on my own. I need to know that you know what you are talking about.
Approach: Communication skills and resolution of substantive issues are of equal importance
I need what you are telling me to make sense. It needs to be logical and you need to have a logical reason as to why your opponent's case will not work or isn't as good as yours. Once again, make me believe you know what you're talking about.
Contact Information
email: cmyers062024@gmail.com
cell: 432 2301885
Availability Information
Meet types:
CX State
State Meet
Qualified for:
Region of residence:
I will travel to: 1 2 3