UIL Speech Judges
If you have corrections, questions or comments regarding this information, please notify The UIL Speech and Debate department at speech@uiltexas.org or 512-471-5883.
Emily Overdirth
Current high school:
Currently coaching?: No
Number of years coached:
Number of tournaments judged: 0
High school attended:
Maypearl High School
Graduated high school: 2024
Participated in high school: Yes
Participated in college: No
Judging qualifications:
High School speech competitions were such a joy to be a part of. As a future educator, I find speech emphasis to be important, and regard my knowledge on the topic as extensive. Although my current college schedule does not allow me to competitively take part in speech and debate competition, I hope to judge at the high school level. 3X regional qualifier in persuasive speaking, and 1X regional qualifier in LD Debate provided me with the knowledge necessary to judge.
Judging Philosophy
Judging approach:
Policy priority: Communication skills and resolution of substantive issues are of equal importance
Evidence philosophy: Quality of evidence is more important than quantity of evidence
Paradigm: Speakers need to be able to adequately support their argument. Sufficient amount of evidence to defend a case is critical, although strong speaking skills come with high importance. A lack of flow in an argument weakens the case, and could quickly diminish the maturity of the case.
Approach: Communication skills and resolution of substantive issues are of equal importance
Lincoln Douglass debate is fast paced, and requires students to think quickly. The resolution and communication are of equal importance, as broken arguments and speech diminishes the value of the debate. Multiple artifacts of sufficient evidence should be present to support a case. Without this, the opposing argument has more support.
Contact Information
email: Emilyoverdirth05@gmail.com
cell: 682 9163502
Availability Information
Meet types:
Qualified for:
Region of residence:
I will travel to: 2 5