UIL Speech Judges
If you have corrections, questions or comments regarding this information, please notify The UIL Speech and Debate department at speech@uiltexas.org or 512-471-5883.
Praneeth Mandavilli
Current high school:
Currently coaching?: No
Conference: 0
Number of years coached: 0
Number of tournaments judged: 0
High school attended:
Westlake High School
Graduated high school: Austin
Participated in high school: Yes
Participated in college: No
Judging qualifications:
In 2018-2019, I judged at 4 tournaments in the Bay Area when I was in between jobs. One of my good friends is the debate coordinator at Success Academy in the Northeast. I am once again in between jobs, and he recommended looking into judging opportunities in and around Austin, TX. Although I am no speech and debate expert, I do possess an engineering degree, and am fairly adept at interpreting conceptual logic as it pertains to the English language. Given a topic, I can understand how arguments are framed and identify strengths and weaknesses of such. This is just a very surface level exposition of my abilities. In the few tournaments that I did judge, I was asked to come back, so I assume that is a good sign. I can also provide references if necessary. Thank You!
Judging Philosophy
Judging approach: Tabula Rasa
Policy priority: Resolution of substantive issues is more important than communication skills
Evidence philosophy: Quality of evidence is more important than quantity of evidence
Paradigm: My judging paradigm emphasizes valuing logic. I strive to avoid making assumptions and focus on understanding each side’s perspective, as reflected by their arguments, which I evaluate in the context of the topic at hand, relying on the evidence and logic presented in the round rather than personal biases or external factors.
Approach: Resolution of substantive issues is more important than communication skills
My focus is on the resolution of substantive issues. I prioritize the quality of the arguments, logical consistency, and the strength of evidence in addressing the resolution, with a lower emphasis on the communication style.
Contact Information
email: Praneethmandavilli@gmail.com
cell: 512
Availability Information
Meet types:
CX State
State Meet
Congress Region
Congress State
Qualified for:
Region of residence:
I will travel to: 1 2 3 4 5