UIL Speech Judges
If you have corrections, questions or comments regarding this information, please notify The UIL Speech and Debate department at speech@uiltexas.org or 512-471-5883.
Ashutosh Panda
Current high school:
Currently coaching?: Yes
Conference: 6a
Number of years coached: 1
Number of tournaments judged: 8
High school attended:
Louis D Brandeis High School
Graduated high school: 2024
Participated in high school: Yes
Participated in college: No
Judging qualifications:
Highest ranked debater at Brandeis; NSDA Special Distinction; 17th at
UIL State; 2x NSDA National Qualifier; Varsity CX-3 years
Judging Philosophy
Judging approach: Tabula Rasa
Policy priority: Communication skills and resolution of substantive issues are of equal importance
Evidence philosophy: Quantity of evidence and quality of evidence are of equal importance
Paradigm: Spreading is fine as long as the taglines are loud and clear. I am heavy on technicality over truth, I believe that it is the competitors job to explain, contextualize as well as explain to me true impacts and weighing of the round. I love analytics so please read them slowly and If i can't understand them, I will not be able to flow it. At the end of the round, each side should pretty much write my ballot for me at the end and outline why your "plan" is better. (Any references to demon slayer within round is .5 speaker points). Policy Debate: Topicality: I love topicalities, and run as many as you would like. I will always listen to why the negation should not be allowed to run that many topicality arguments but that is up to the affirmation. Always indicate standards and make it clear, if not clear- then I will not flow or weight that argument in the round. Always compare Topicality arguments and weigh them for me instead of having me do any work. CPs: CPs are very interesting to me and is an easy voter for me if neg is able to explain the Net Benefit as well as the Mutual Exclusivity. Perms are good from aff, but need to be clear on why they are good perms or why they go for that perm. Simply claiming 8 different perms with no explanation will not be weighed. If the neg can't defend the perm or perms, then aff wins. DAs:DA and CP paired together is amazing, love specific links especially if it connects to Aff's case. If the Aff is able to provide a no link or non unique argument, then aff wins. A Da needs clear impact as well as an impact chain, these make it easier to weigh the DA. Aff's case can also outweigh DA overall. Ks: Framework is very important, without a fw i cannot make a decision as I don't know whether I am voting for good policy or whatever the neg may be advocating for. Prioritize Framework as well as make it clear in the contextualization as well as emphasize why the K is important. Alternative needs to be present and it can be contested by Aff, both sides need to be very clear on why the K is essential or material policy is. FW:Both sides need to give a framework. without framework from one side means I default to the Framework that is given to me. Explain to me why it is essential for the round to be evaluated in that manner in comparison to bad and good policy changes- compete frameworks and explain why I should prefer one to another. Condo/Theory: Run whatever you would like in this, I am used to theory as well as condo, give clear standards and be able to outline why that theory is essential!] Cross X: I do not flow this unless repeated again in the speeches, Be nice to each other!!! No reason to get heated within CX and attack the case, not the person
Approach: Communication skills and resolution of substantive issues are of equal importance
FLincoln Douglas Debate: Framework (FW): Framework is essential in LD. Both debaters must present a clear framework that explains how I should evaluate the round. If only one debater presents a framework, I will default to that. If both present frameworks, you must weigh and compare them—explain why your framework is preferable. I am open to traditional or progressive frameworks, but make sure your framework interacts with the rest of the round rather than standing alone. Value & Criterion (V/C): Since LD is a values debate, your value and criterion must be explicitly linked to your case. I prefer well-warranted justifications for why your standard is the best way to evaluate the round. If your V/C does not interact with your arguments, I will have a harder time voting for you. Be sure to weigh competing criteria instead of expecting me to do the work for you. Topicality (T): I evaluate T seriously—if you run it, be clear on standards and abuse stories. LD resolutions are broad, so make sure you articulate why a certain interpretation best upholds fairness and education. I will listen to competing interpretations, but Aff must justify why their case is within the bounds of the resolution. If Aff doesn’t engage with the topicality argument, I will default to the neg’s interpretation. Theory: I’m comfortable with theory, but it needs to be well-warranted and impact justified. If you run a shell, make sure it includes a clear violation, standards, and voters. Blippy or undeveloped theory won’t be weighed heavily. I’m open to anything, but you need to make a strong case for why theory was run abusively. If a theory shell is dropped, I will default to the interpretation that remains in the round. Kritiks (Ks): I will vote for Ks, but they must be clearly articulated and justified in an LD context. You need a framework explaining why I should evaluate the debate through a critical lens rather than a policy-based one. The alternative must be explained in a way that solves the harms outlined in the K. If Aff engages well with the K and turns it, I will evaluate those turns just as I would any other argument. Don’t assume I will do the work for you—explain why the K should be the lens through which I view the round. Counterplans (CPs):I am open to CPs in LD, but they must be clearly justified as competitive and net beneficial. If Aff argues that CPs are abusive in LD, I will listen, but they need to make a strong theoretical argument against them. If the CP is not mutually exclusive or lacks a clear net benefit, I will be more inclined to reject it. Aff must provide a well-explained perm if they wish to take out the CP. Disadvantages (DAs): DAs are valid in LD but must be clearly linked to the Aff case. Generic DAs with weak links will not carry much weight. If Aff successfully proves a no-link or non-unique argument, that can take out the DA. A DA must also have a strong impact story to be weighed against Aff’s case impacts. Comparative weighing between case impacts and DA impacts is key—don’t leave it up to me. Philosophy/Abstract Arguments: I enjoy well-explained philosophical arguments, but they must be clearly tied to the framework and impacts in the round. Dropping dense philosophy without explaining its relevance won’t get you far. If you run complex philosophy , make sure it is accessible and directly applicable to the resolution. Weighing: Weighing is crucial in LD. Tell me why your arguments matter more than your opponent’s. If you don’t do this, I will default to my own judgment, which may not be in your favor. Weigh impacts (magnitude, probability, timeframe) as well as value-level arguments. Speaker Points & Delivery: Clarity matters. If I can’t understand you, I can’t flow you. Speed is fine if clear, but if you spread without signposting, you risk losing arguments. Be persuasive—LD is about philosophical and value-based argumentation, not just technical debate. Respect your opponent. Aggressive behavior or hostility will result in lower speaks. Cross-Examination (CX): I do not flow CX, so if you get a concession in CX, bring it up in a speech. CX should be used strategically to clarify, set up arguments, and create strategic traps—not just to flex rhetorical skills. Tech v Truth: I am a tech over truth judge, so unless you tell me something---I will believe the facts given to me in round are true.
Contact Information
email: panda.ashutosh44@gmail.com
Availability Information
Meet types:
CX State
State Meet
Congress Region
Congress State
Qualified for:
Region of residence:
I will travel to: 1 2 3 4 5 8