UIL A+ District Meet Materials FAQ (grades 2-8 competition)
- Do district meet materials cost money?
- I need district meet materials, but I have missed the deadline to order materials. What do I do?
- When may district meet materials be used?
- We are hosting writing events in November. What materials do I use for those events?
- Do the district meet materials for Spelling include a CD to run the contest on a computer?
- Do the district meet materials for Storytelling include a recording of the stories?
- Do the district meet materials for Listening include a recording of the scripts?
- Do the district meet materials include the Art prints?
- Do district meet materials come with the tracks necessary for Music Memory?
- I requested materials for 33 students, but I only received materials for 30. Why did that happen?
- Where may I find the contest administration scripts for each event, and are they mandatory?
- My district meet falls at the very beginning of December. When may I expect my materials?
- It appears there is a mistake on a district answer key. What do I do?
Contest administration scripts for A+ meets are available through the link below. Scripts are not mandatory, and a contest official may ad-lib as necessary. If a script is not used, a contest official must still be familiar with the script content because it contains important rules for contest administration.