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University Interscholastic League Logo

High School One Act Play

UIL One Act Play

The UIL One-Act Play contest is a competition where similarly sized Texas schools present an 18-40 minute play and may be adjudicated by a panel of three judges or a single judge. The contest is held on a single day and open to the public. There are six possible levels of competition: Zone, District, Bi-Distrct, Area, Region, and State. At each level of competition a judge awards individual acting awards as well as selecting three productions to advance to the next level of competition up to the Regional Level where only two will advance to the State Level. After the awards are announced a Judge gives an oral critique to each of the schools. Because of the wide participation and diversity of plays produced certain rules and guidelines have been adopted by the State One-Act Play Office. These rules are in place to ensure safety, allow for equity, satisfy legal standards, and make the running of the contest practical.

Rules &
One-Act Play

DEADLINES 2024-2025

For High School Play Directors

Oct 1  
Deadline to enroll your high school campus for OAP participation via the UIL Online Entry System

Nov 1
Deadline to hold director's planning meeting

Nov 22
Last day for double representation notification to the League. This only applies when one school plans to compete with two plays--which is only an option when less than three schools are entered in the district contest.

Dec 6
Deadline for requesting permission to produce plays not on the approved lists and scenic elements that are are not permissible under contest rules and are “without which the approved play cannot be produced.”

Feb 10
Deadline for registering your play title in the UIL Online Entry System

At least TEN calendar days before your first contest
Deadline for Contestant Entry, play and set information and additional directors to be entered via the UIL Online Entry System

Note: Some Contest Directors set a contestant entry deadline earlier than the ten calendar days.

DEADLINES 2024-2025

For Contest Managers & Meet Officials

Aug 10
First day to contact a single adjudicator or the first member of a panel for District or Zone contests

Aug 10
First day to draw performance order

Aug 31
Deadline to report bi-district information and adjudicators to state office

Nov 1
Deadline to hold director's planning meeting

Nov 1
First day to contact and contract the second and third members of a panel for zone and district contests

Feb 1
Deadline to set up district One-Act Play Meets in the Online Entry System

Feb 1
Deadline for executing judging contracts

Feb 1
Deadline for Contest Managers to certify online--This must be done annually

Apr 3
Deadline for certifying the results for district and bi-district contests