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University Interscholastic League Logo

1976-1977 B Girls Golf State Results

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Team Results

School Players Day 1 Score Day 2 Score Total Score Notes
Booker Teresa Denham, Diane McQuitty, Melinda Harrington, Lori Dickerson, Pam Vaughn 436 420 856.00 1st Place (Team 1)
Santo Ramie Hardin, Tresa McMillin, Melinda Hamilton, Brenda Gann, Christi Wright 466 442 908.00 2nd Place
Booker Angie Purer, Mona Marshall, Tammy Cochran, Penny Walker, Anita Brane 455 463 918.00 3rd Place (Team 2)
Paradise Kelley Read, Melody Cook, DeLane Holt, Pam Smith, Leshia Lowery 468 463 931.00
Lago Vista Lisa Henry, Wanda Ridgeway, Jill Green, Lori Snyder, Debbie Bragg 478 500 978.00
Harper Judy Edson, Patty Young, Lisa Spencer, Lori Fitzgerald, Rose Dunn 478 516 994.00
Palmer Nancy Guthrie, Regina Christian, Toni Smith, Laurice Norris, Darene Schwartz 712 703 1415.00

Individual Results

Name School Day 1 Score Day 2 Score Total Score Notes
Teresa Denham Booker 101 98 199.00 1st Place (Team 1)
Ramie Hardin Santo 107 94 201.00 2nd Place
Diane McQuitty Booker 102 102 204.00 3rd Place (Team 1)
Kelley Read Paradise 101 108 209.00
Melinda Harrington Booker 103 113 216.00 (Team 1)
Wanda Ridgeway Lago Vista 104 114 218.00
Penny Walker Booker 112 110 222.00 (Team 2)
Lori Dickerson Booker 114 113 227.00 (Team 1)
Angie Purer Booker 110 119 229.00 (Team 2)
Anita Brane Booker 110 119 229.00 (Team 2)
Ann Gordon Santa Anna 115 115 230.00
Melody Cook Paradise 113 120 233.00
DeLane Holt Paradise 119 114 233.00
Tresa McMillin Santo 120 113 233.00
Karen Hoskins Axtell 119 115 234.00
Patty Young Harper 120 115 235.00
Christi Wright Santo 117 119 236.00
Lisa Henry Lago Vista 119 118 237.00
Mona Marshall Booker 123 115 238.00 (Team 2)
Melinda Hamilton Santo 122 116 238.00
Rose Dunn Harper 129 113 242.00
Pam Vaughn Booker 124 119 243.00 (Team 1)
Brenda Gann Santo 122 121 243.00
Lori Snyder Lago Vista 126 118 244.00
Judy Edson Harper 134 113 247.00
Leshia Lowery Paradise 135 121 256.00
Lisa Spencer Harper 119 157 270.00
Tammy Cochran Booker 148 127 275.00 (Team 2)
Jill Green Lago Vista 129 150 279.00
Lori Fitzgerald Harper 133 146 279.00
Debbie Bragg Lago Vista 151 139 290.00
Pam Smith Paradise 162 168 330.00
Regina Christian Palmer 168 163 331.00
Nancy Guthrie Palmer 178 155 333.00
Darene Schwartz Palmer 172 180 352.00
Laurice Norris Palmer 212 187 399.00
Toni Smith Palmer 194 206 400.00