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1988-1989 1A Girls Golf State Results

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Team Results

School Players Day 1 Score Day 2 Score Total Score Notes
Booker Claudia Shearer, Angela Latham, Brandi Collins, Jennifer Smith, Kristel Pinckard 410 409 819.00 1st Place
Lazbuddie Ginger Jasco, Jonessa Jennings, Sandra Martinez, Mia Jennings, Holly Morris 421 426 847.00 2nd Place
Baird Kristi Corn, Sonya Mitchell, Sandy King, Stephanie Treadway 455 437 892.00 3rd Place
Throckmorton Jennifer Hitch, Rhonda Nutt, Nicole Rodgers, Kelley Davis, Barbie Cook 453 449 902.00
Lago Vista Suzanne Eeds, Dixie Shive, Lisa Freeman, Jennifer McCann, Kim Peterson 452 454 906.00
Tenaha Lisa Crawford, Colette Cross, Meridith Latham, Sandy Broyles, Pam Tanner 465 456 921.00
Runge Mary Bily, Christy Schendel, Marsha Menn, Andrea Janssen, Karen Yanta 483 477 960.00
Ladonia Fannindel Melissa Acker, Tana Baxter, Kim Raney, Marsha Runnels, Darla Stancil 552 566 1118.00

Individual Results

Name School Day 1 Score Day 2 Score Total Score Notes
Lisa Crawford Tenaha 86 89 175.00 1st Place
Misty McGee McLean 93 101 194.00 2nd Place
Claudia Shearer Booker 98 97 195.00 3rd Place
Brooke Boone Robert Lee 99 98 197.00
Ginger Jesco Lazbuddie 96 102 198.00
Mia Jennings Lazbuddie 99 101 200.00
Susie Anderson Ponder 100 102 202.00
Jonessa Jennings Lazbuddie 100 102 202.00
Brandi Collins Booker 100 103 203.00
Kristel Pinckard Booker 102 102 204.00
Sonya Mitchell Baird 107 99 206.00
Jennifer Hitch Throckmorton 106 110 216.00
Angela Latham Booker 110 107 217.00
Tomell Knoy Center Point 104 115 219.00
Nicole Rodgers Throckmorton 111 108 219.00
Kristi Corn Baird 110 110 220.00
Sandy King Baird 108 112 220.00
Suzanne Eeds Lago Vista 109 113 222.00
Dixie Shive Lago Vista 110 113 223.00
Kim Peterson Lago Vista 111 113 224.00
Andrea Janssen Runge 116 111 227.00
Barbie Cook Throckmorton 119 109 228.00
Mary Bily Runge 117 115 232.00
Lisa Freeman Lago Vista 124 115 239.00
Rhonda Nutt Throckmorton 117 122 239.00
Meredith Latham Tenaha 126 113 239.00
Jennifer McCann Lago Vista 122 120 242.00
Marsha Menn Runge 124 120 244.00
Pam Tanner Tenaha 125 120 245.00
Stephanie Treadway Baird 130 116 246.00
Kelley Davis Throckmorton 125 122 247.00
Jennifer Smith Booker 128 120 248.00
Sandra Martinez Lazbuddie 126 125 251.00
Holly Morris Lazbuddie 132 121 253.00
Melissa Acker Ladonia Fannindel 132 122 254.00
Christy Schendel Runge 126 131 257.00
Colette Cross Tenaha 128 135 263.00
Kim Raney Ladonia Fannindel 131 132 267.00
Sandy Broyles Tenaha 139 134 273.00
Karen Yanta Runge 140 134 274.00
Tana Baxter Ladonia Fannindel 141 151 292.00
Marsha Runnels Ladonia Fannindel 148 161 309.00
Darla Stancil Ladonia Fannindel 168 169 337.00
Trina Fry Knox City 99 0 - Withdrew