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1991-1992 3A Boys Golf State Results

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Team Results

School Players Day 1 Score Day 2 Score Total Score Notes
Abilene Wylie Mike Chisum, Chris Lauterback, Mike Puckett, Doug Hand, Jeff Poe 308 315 623.00 1st Place
Seminole Monnie Soto, Isabell Soto, Aaron Salinas, Chunky Nelms, Chip Wicker 310 330 640.00 2nd Place
Montgomery Brad Herridge, Jud Cummins, Eric Noski, Brian Ehlers, Scott Lowery 320 333 653.00 3rd Place
Bonham Jon Sisk, Kyl eClayton, Chris Clark, Timmy Brent, Ryan Case 327 331 658.00
Devine Trent Rankin, Roger Clark, Doug McCormick, Kyle Schmidt, Brandon Rackley 329 344 673.00
Texarkana Pleasant Grove Jarrett Patterson, Jason Du Vall, Collin Somerville, Scot Akins, Eric Olson 338 324 682.00
Gonzales Charles McKaskill, Paul Pirkle, Stephen Tate, Scott Freidrich, Michael McCray 347 341 688.00
Crockett Russell Williams, Scott McCall, Jeffrey Keith, Gary Ivins, Matt Bobbitt 338 0 0.00 Disqualified

Individual Results

Name School Day 1 Score Day 2 Score Total Score Notes
Bud Still Diboll 64 73 137.00 1st Place
Brad Herridge Montgomery 75 74 149.00
Mark Jones Graham 75 74 149.00 2nd Place (Won Playoff for 2nd)
Mike Chisum Abilene Wylie 73 76 149.00 3rd Place (Won Playoff for 3rd)
Chris Lauterback Abilene Wylie 74 78 152.00
Monnie Soto Seminole 72 80 152.00
Russell Williams Crockett 79 74 153.00
Isabell Soto Seminole 74 82 156.00
Mike Puckett Abilene Wylie 77 80 157.00
Trent Rankin Devine 73 84 157.00
Corey Land Sinton 77 80 157.00
Jon Sisk Bonham 87 74 161.00
Scott McCall Crockett 77 84 161.00
Jarrett Patterson Texarkana Pleasant Grove 82 79 161.00
Stan Turreutine Winnsboro 76 86 162.00
Aaron Salinas Seminole 86 77 163.00
Kyle Clayton Bonham 81 83 164.00
Jud Cummins Montgomery 80 84 164.00
Doug Hand Abilene Wylie 84 81 165.00
Jason Du Vall Texarkana Pleasant Grove 82 83 165.00
Charles McKaskill Gonzales 85 81 166.00
Chris Clark Bonham 81 86 167.00
Collin Somerville Texarkana Pleasant Grove 85 82 167.00
Jeff Poe Abilene Wylie 87 82 169.00
Paul Pirkle Gonzales 83 86 169.00
Scot Akins Texarkana Pleasant Grove 89 80 169.00
Chunky Nelms Seminole 78 91 169.00
Roger Clark Devine 87 83 170.00
Eric Noski Montgomery 81 89 170.00
Timmy Brent Bonham 81 90 171.00
Doug McCormick Devine 83 88 171.00
Ryan Case Bonham 84 88 172.00
Jeffrey Keith Crockett 85 87 172.00
Stephen Tate Gonzales 87 86 173.00
Brian Ehlers Montgomery 84 89 173.00
Kyle Schmidt Devine 87 89 176.00
Eric Olson Texarkana Pleasant Grove 90 88 178.00
Chip Wicker Seminole 88 93 181.00
Scott Freidrich Gonzales 94 88 182.00
Brandon Rackley Devine 86 98 184.00
Scott Lowery Montgomery 98 86 184.00
Michael McCray Gonzales 106 113 219.00
Gary Ivins Crockett 97 0 - Disqualified
Matt Bobbitt Crockett 112 0 - Disqualified