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1991-1992 4A Boys Golf State Results

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Team Results

School Players Day 1 Score Day 2 Score Total Score Notes
Dallas Highland Park Robb Parks, Hank Kuehne, Chris Wall, Stephen Summers, Hunter Oats 308 311 619.00 1st Place
Andrews Chad Campbell, Ronnie Lopez, Manuel Hernandez, Derrick Pursley, Marcus Mainord 307 320 632.00 2nd Place (Won Playoff)
Jacksonville Chad Bellar, Todd Terry, David Singer, Greg Sands, Justin McCollum 313 319 632.00 3rd Place
College Station A&M Consolidated Robert Newton, Larry Darcey, Jeff Rhodes, Danny Gray, John Heffington 310 323 633.00
Gregory-Portland Brandt Kieschnick, Tom Gulbrandsen, Chad Strickland, Andy Aduddell, Jeff Underbrink 317 324 641.00
Sulphur Springs Blake Ladd, Judd Whiteman, Phillip Gibbons, Chris Bauer, Trey Williams 317 325 642.00
San Antonio Alamo Heights Damon Watson, Wilson MArshall, Mike Wood, Spenser Scott, Michael Dewar 324 327 651.00
Pampa Cory Stone, Jay Earp, Brandon Brashears, Mike Largin, Ryan Handley 330 328 668.00

Individual Results

Name School Day 1 Score Day 2 Score Total Score Notes
Chad Campbell Andrews 73 73 146.00 1st Place
Chad Bellar Jacksonville 75 76 151.00 2nd Place
Robb Parks Dallas Highland Park 74 79 153.00 3rd Place
Seth Thorton Brownwood 72 82 154.00
Ronnie Lopez Andrews 77 77 154.00
Robert Newton College Station A&M Consolidated 77 77 154.00
Greg Harper Austin Anderson 77 77 154.00
Hank Kuehne Dallas Highland Park 80 75 155.00
Chris Wall Dallas Highland Park 77 79 156.00
Damon Watson San Antonio Alamo Heights 78 78 156.00
Cory Stone Pampa 79 77 156.00
Blake Ladd Sulphur Springs 75 82 157.00
Brandt Kieschnick Gregory-Portland 76 81 157.00
Stephen Summers Dallas Highland Park 77 80 157.00
Larry Darcey College Station A&M Consolidated 80 77 157.00
Jeff Rhodes College Station A&M Consolidated 75 84 159.00
Todd Terry Jacksonville 78 81 159.00
Tom Gulbrandsen Gregory-Portland 79 80 159.00
Rusty Shannon Port Neches-Groves 79 80 159.00
Hunter Oats Dallas Highland Park 81 78 159.00
Manuel Hernandez Andrews 75 85 160.00
David Singer Jacksonville 80 81 161.00
Judd Whiteman Sulphur Springs 80 81 161.00
Mike Wood San Antonio Alamo Heights 82 80 162.00
Chad Strickland Gregory-Portland 80 82 162.00
Wilson Marshall San Antonio Alamo Heights 81 81 162.00
Danny Gray College Station A&M Consolidated 78 85 163.00
Andy Aduddell Gregory-Portland 82 81 163.00
Phillip Gibbons Sulphur Springs 85 78 163.00
Chris Bauer Sulphur Springs 80 84 164.00
Jay Earp Pampa 83 83 166.00
Brandon Brashears Pampa 84 82 166.00
Greg Sands Jacksonville 85 81 166.00
Derrick Pursley Andrews 82 85 167.00
Trey Williams Sulphur Springs 82 85 167.00
Justin McCollum Jacksonville 80 89 169.00
Mike Largin Pampa 84 86 170.00
Spenser Scott San Antonio Alamo Heights 83 88 171.00
John Heffington College Station A&M Consolidated 86 87 173.00
Michael Dewar San Antonio Alamo Heights 85 89 174.00
Ryan Handley Pampa 90 86 176.00
Marcus Mainord Andrews 82 95 177.00
Jeff Underbrink Gregory-Portland 90 89 179.00