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University Interscholastic League Logo

1995-1996 1A Girls Golf State Results

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Team Results

School Players Day 1 Score Day 2 Score Total Score Notes
Wheeler Kasey McCasland, Angie Thomas, Mike Goad, Rachael Smith, Ashley Ware 376 384 760.00 1st Place
Robert Lee Krystal Carver, Melissa Smith, Miranda Wojtek, Meagan Hill, Trish Minjarez 391 405 796.00 2nd Place
Lago Vista Kristi Carl, Tara Duderstadt, Kim Rodgers, Sharon Lewandowski, Kristin Rodgers 400 399 799.00 3rd Place (Team 1)
Sanderson Jennifer Sandifer, Karina Mendoza, Evans Kott, Billie Jo Mott, Kristy Escamilla 404 422 826.00
Celeste Rachael Fielden, Marcey Lewis, Meaghan Lewis, Jessica Rhoden, Katy Pope 431 455 886.00
Bronte Shelly Sims, Kim McColkie, Wendy Johnson, Olivia Guzman, Angie Shults 449 453 902.00
Lago Vista Rebecca Wald, Laura Aldridge, Jana Brazzi, Amy Caylar, Dianadi McCreery 487 478 965.00 (Team 2)
Tenaha Amy Agnew, Libby Partin, Benisha Church, Mandy Holley, Tara Sims 520 524 1044.00

Individual Results

Name School Day 1 Score Day 2 Score Total Score Notes
Kasey McCasland Wheeler 83 86 169.00 1st Place
Heather Basford Vega 86 93 179.00 2nd Place
Melissa Smith Robert Lee 91 92 183.00 3rd Place (Won Playoff)
Julie Puttman Dodd City 93 90 183.00
Angie Thomas Wheeler 94 90 184.00
Kristi Carl Lago Vista 97 89 186.00 (Team 1)
Krystal Carver Robert Lee 95 99 194.00
Kim Rodgers Lago Vista 99 95 194.00 (Team 1)
Mika Goad Wheeler 96 101 197.00
Billie Jo Mott Sanderson 98 103 201.00
Rachael Fielden Celeste 95 107 202.00
Jennifer Sandifer Sanderson 101 101 202.00
Wendy Johnson Bronte 102 106 208.00
Rachael Smith Wheeler 103 107 210.00
Miranda Wojtek Robert Lee 105 105 210.00
Evans Kott Sanderson 101 109 210.00
Sharon Lewandowski Lago Vista 101 111 212.00 (Team 1)
Tara Duderstadt Lago Vista 109 104 213.00 (Team 1)
Kristin Rodgers Lago Vista 103 111 214.00 (Team 1)
Karina Mendoza Sanderson 104 111 215.00
Kristy Escamilla Sanderson 108 109 217.00
Amy Agnew Tenaha 110 109 219.00
Trish Minjarez Robert Lee 100 120 220.00
Meagan Hill Robert Lee 113 109 222.00
Rebecca Wald Lago Vista 114 111 225.00 (Team 2)
Marcey Lewis Celeste 105 121 226.00
Jessica Rhoden Celeste 116 111 227.00
Kim McCorkle Bronte 113 114 227.00
Meaghan Lewis Celeste 115 116 231.00
Ashley Ware Wheeler 110 123 233.00
Angie Shults Bronte 119 115 234.00
Shelly Sims Bronte 118 118 236.00
Olivia Guzman Bronte 116 127 243.00
Jana Brazzi Lago Vista 122 123 245.00 (Team 2)
Katy Pope Celeste 117 128 245.00
Laura Aldridge Lago Vista 119 127 246.00 (Team 2)
Amy Caylar Lago Vista 132 118 250.00 (Team 2)
Mandy Holley Tenaha 126 134 260.00
Dinadi McCreery Lago Vista 136 133 269.00 (Team 2)
Benisha Church Tenaha 136 134 270.00
Libby Partin Tenaha 150 147 297.00
Tara Sims Tenaha 148 155 303.00