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1997-1998 4A Girls Golf State Results

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Team Results

School Players Day 1 Score Day 2 Score Total Score Notes
Dallas Highland Park Maiko Senda, Moira Murphy, Elizabeth Mundinger, Jennifer Footlik 309 314 623.00 1st Place
Snyder Keisha Gafford, Daysha Weaver, Lacey Kidd, Randi Reed, Sally Barham 329 324 653.00 2nd Place
Pampa Alison Peirsall, Shelbie Allison, Melissa Gindorf, Cortnie Allison, Maggie Cowan 341 335 676.00 3rd Place
El Campo Kristie Coffman, Tammy Coffman, Jenna Rod, Sara Buss, Jenny Thigpen 342 337 679.00
Montgomery Nicole Johnson, Katy Gardner, Christi Steele, Ashley Neal, Lauren Hempkin 340 346 686.00
Gregory-Portland Brooke Shelton, Megan Kemp, Cayla Carr, Ashley Walter, Patty Cahill 354 337 691.00
Colleyville Heritage Pia Alamaki, Marla Anderson, Sara Marques, Rusty Trowell, Staci Zugaro 351 355 706.00
Austin Anderson Katherine Cavanaugh, Kim hornsby, Alyson Ligon, Brooke Johnson, Josie Cavanaugh 381 374 755.00

Individual Results

Name School Day 1 Score Day 2 Score Total Score Notes
Maiko Senda Dallas Highland Park 71 77 148.00 1st Place
Angela Olivarri San Antonio Burbank 77 72 149.00 2nd Place
Nicole Johnson Montgomery 77 73 150.00 3rd Place
Ashley Mitchel Coppell 75 76 151.00
Moira Murphy Dallas Highland Park 77 75 152.00
Dani Mallon Northwest 77 75 152.00
Michaelyn Morgan Austin McCallum 74 79 153.00
Adrienne Gautreaux Mabank 79 75 154.00
Elizabeth Mundinger Dallas Highland Park 76 79 155.00
Kristie Coffman El Campo 77 79 156.00
Tammy Coffman El Campo 77 80 157.00
Keisha Gafford Snyder 79 78 157.00
Alison Peirsall Pampa 81 77 158.00
Pia Alamaki Colleyville Heritage 79 80 159.00
Lacey Loftis Athens 78 82 160.00
Shelbie Allison Pampa 81 79 160.00
Katherine Cavanaugh Austin Anderson 76 85 161.00
Brooke Shelton Gregory-Portland 86 75 161.00
Kellie King Kilgore 83 78 161.00
Daysha Weaver Snyder 81 81 162.00
Megan Kemp Gregory-Portland 87 77 164.00
Lacey Kidd Snyder 84 80 164.00
Casey Williams Stephenville 84 82 166.00
Jennifer Footlik Dallas Highland Park 85 83 168.00
Katy Gardner Montgomery 87 81 168.00
Randi Reed Snyder 85 85 170.00
Jenna Rod El Campo 87 85 172.00
Chrsiti Steele Montgomery 84 91 175.00
Sally Barham Snyder 87 88 175.00
Melissa Gindorf Pampa 90 86 176.00
Marla Anderson Colleyville Heritage 90 87 177.00
Hilary Jackson Dallas Highland Park 90 90 180.00
Cayla Carr Gregory-Portland 87 93 180.00
Sara Marques Colleyville Heritage 90 95 185.00
Rusty Trowell Colleyville Heritage 92 93 185.00
Cortnie Allison Pampa 89 96 185.00
Ashley Walter Gregory-Portland 94 92 186.00
Maggie Cowan Pampa 95 93 188.00
Patty Cahill Gregory-Portland 95 98 193.00
Ashley Neal Montgomery 92 101 193.00
Kim Hornsby Austin Anderson 97 97 194.00
Alyson Ligon Austin Anderson 101 93 194.00
Sara Buss El Campo 101 93 194.00
Staci Zugaro Colleyville Heritage 103 97 200.00
Brooke Johnson Austin Anderson 107 99 206.00
Jenny Thigpen El Campo 117 112 229.00
Lauren Hempkin Montgomery 119 111 230.00
Josie Cavanaugh Austin Anderson 129 122 251.00