2014-2015 UIL Anabolic Steroid Testing Report
Total Number of Tests: 3,023
2,736 boys were tested representing 11 activities
287 girls were tested representing 12 activities
172 schools were tested
Breakdown of Tests Conducted by Grade and Gender:
- 9th grade - Females: 54, Males: 584
- 10th grade - Females: 71, Males: 616
- 11th grade - Females: 92, Males: 810
- 12th grade - Females: 70, Males: 726
Breakdown of Tests Conducted by Activity:
- Male Baseball: 801
- Male Basketball: 86
- Male Cheer: 3
- Male Cross-Country: 25
- Male Football: 1632
- Male Golf: 18
- Male Soccer: 56
- Male Swimming: 7
- Male Tennis: 12
- Male Track & Field: 88
- Male Wrestling: 8
- Total Male: 2,736
- Female Basketball: 51
- Female Cheer: 19
- Female Cross-County: 34
- Female Football: 2
- Female Golf: 7
- Female Soccer: 28
- Female Softball: 32
- Female Swimming: 12
- Female Tennis: 7
- Female Track & Field: 21
- Female Volleyball: 72
- Female Wrestling: 2
- Total Females: 287
- Total Number of Positives: 6
- Total Number of Endogenous Records: 11 (10 negative, 1 positive)
- Total Number of Protocol Violations: 17
A protocol positive results when a student violates UIL steroid-testing protocol. All protocol violations resulted from the selected students having unexcused absences at the time the test was administered. An endogenous record denotes an elevated steroid amount in the body with an inability to determine if the amount was naturally or unnaturally produced.