Health and Safety Page—Concussions
Concussions and Concussion Management Protocol Requirements and Information
Concussions received by participants in sports activities are an ongoing concern at all levels. Recent interest and research in this area has prompted reevaluations of treatment and management recommendations from the high school to the professional level. Numerous agencies and associations throughout the United States responsible for developing guidelines addressing the management of concussion in high school student-athletes have developed or revised their guidelines for concussion management.
The information provided here will update interested stakeholders on the UIL requirements for concussion management in student-athletes participating in activities under the jurisdiction of the UIL and will also provide information on compliancewith Chapter 38. Sub Chapter D of the Texas Education Code (TEC) that was amended by the passage of House Bill 2038 during the 82nd legislative session.
- Frequently Asked Questions And Resources Document Regarding Implementation of House Bill 2038 (updated Oct. 4, 2011)
- Additional Implementation for Concussion Management Protocol
NFHS Concussion Management Guidelines
A concussion is type of traumatic brain injury that interferes with normal function of the brain. It occurs when the brain is rocked back and forth or twisted inside the skull as a result of a blow to the head or body. What may appear to be only a mild jolt or blow to the head or body can result in a concussion.
The understanding of sports-related concussion has evolved dramatically in recent years. We now know that young athletes are particularly vulnerable to the effects of a concussion. Please find the following information from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS).
- NFHS Suggested Guidelines for Management of Concussion in Sport (updated October 2023)
Return to Play Form - Concussion Management Protocol
This form must be completed and submitted to the athletic trainer or other person (who is not a coach) responsible for compliance with the Return to Play protocol established by the school district Concussion Oversight Team, as determined by the superintendent or their designee (see Section 38.157 (c) of the Texas Education Code).
Texas Education Code, Section 38.159, Immunity Provisions
The Return to Play Guidelines required by state law indicate that parents, in consenting for their student to return to participation following a concussion, understand the immunity provisions contained in the law. Those immunity provisions are contained in Section 38.159 of the Texas Education Code.
Requirement for Supervision of the Concussion Management Protocol Program
Section 38.157 (c) of the Texas Education Code now requires that, in regard to the Concussion Management Protocol for the school district: "The school district superintendent or the superintendent's designee or, in the case of a home-rule school district or open-enrollment charter school, the person who serves the function of superintendent or that person's designee shall supervise an athletic trainer or other person responsible for compliance with the return-to-play protocol. The person who has supervisory responsibilities under this subsection may not be a coach of an interscholastic athletics team."
For additional information and the specific language contained in the law, feel free to download a copy of the bill as passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. - HB 2038
Concussion Acknowledgement Form
The UIL has created this Concussion Acknowledgement Form, which will be required for all student athletes in grades 7-12 beginning with the 2012-13 school year, as a result of the passage of HB 2038 from the 2011 legislative session.
According to section 38.155 of the Texas Education Code, 'a student may not participate in an interscholastic athletic activity for a school year until both the student and the student ’s parent or guardian or another person with legal authority to make medical decisions for the student have signed a form for that school year that acknowledges receiving and reading written information that explains concussion prevention, symptoms, treatment, and oversight andthat includes guidelines for safely resuming participation in an athletic activity following a concussion…..'
FREE Course on Concussion in Sports - What You Need To Know
Sports-related concussion in high school sports can be serious or even life-threatening situations if not managed correctly. The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have teamed up to provide information and resources to help educate coaches, officials, parents and students on the importance of proper concussion recognition and management in high school sports. In this FREE course you will understand the impact sports-related concussion can have on your players, how to recognize a suspected concussion, the proper protocols to manage a suspected concussion, and steps to help your player return to play safely after experiencing a concussion.
- - FREE course on Concussion in Sports - What You Need To Know
Concussion Training Requirements of Texas Education Code, Section 38.158
HB 2038 as passed by the 82nd Legislature and signed by the Governor also added section 38.158 to the Texas Education Code, which concerns training requirements for coaches, athletic trainers and potential members of a Concussion Oversight Team in the subject matter of concussions, including evaluation, prevention, symptoms, risks, and long-term effects. For purposes of compliance with TEC section 38.158, the UIL authorizes all Continuing Professional Education (CPE) providers that are approved and registered by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) and Texas Education Agency (TEA) as approved individuals and organizations to provide concussion education training. A current listing of approved providers is found here:
TEA List of Approved CPE Providers
The parameters for the required training are contained in section 38.158 of the Texas Education Code.
Concussion Education Training Course Syllabus
This syllabus contains an outline of the required elements for the two hour coaches’ concussion education training mandated by HB 2038 (Texas Education Code Section 38.158). The purpose of this syllabus is to provide guidance and consistency for licensed health care providers as they develop a coaches’ education course.