Checklist for Leads
- Does the first word or phrase tell the most important idea in the story?
- Does the lead begin with specific, interest-arousing words?
- Is the WHO told, with the full name and a descriptive title or phrase included?
- Is the WHAT and WHAT HAPPENED up to date, emphasizing the current or future angle?
- Are the WHEN and WHERE answered in the lead but subordinated to more important information?
- Are the HOW and WHY given a prominent place in the lead, if appropriate?
- If the lead is 30 words or more, has it been broken into two sentences or paragraphs for easier reading?
- Does the lead catch the spirit of the story? Does it create the proper tone, such as serious or light?
- Is the lead free from spelling, style and grammar errors?
- Are all names spelled correctly?
By Bobby Hawthorne
Former Director, Interscholastic League Press Conference
Please see that Bobby Hawthorne and the ILPC are appropriately credited.