4A and 5A Team Tennis Now Advance From District To Area Meet
By Darryl Beasley, Assistant Athletic Director | Monday, September 09, 2013 2:26 PM
As you start the new school year, I would like to share a 4A and 5A team tennis rule change, which will affect the 2013-14 regional tournament. The new rule allows four teams from each district to advance to a NEW AREA tournament. Districts will host this NEW AREA tournament, and the first and second team finishers will advance to the regional tournament. The number of teams at the regional tournament will be eight teams instead of 16.
The 4A and 5A team tennis area meets are required. Each district will make arrangements with the corresponding district to host an area meet. The corresponding district matches will be: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, etc. However, there is an option. With majority votes from both District Executive Committees, the area meet can be cancelled. In this scenario, each district would hold its district meet and advance the top finishers to the Regional Meet.
Also, we will allow the districts, if mutually agreed upon, to hold the area meet before the district certification deadline.
Below is the championship structure for 4A and 5A conferences area meet to qualify for the regional tournament:
The top four teams from each district shall advance to the area tournament. The district meet director shall certify area tournament entries. The district winners shall be matched against the fourth place finishers from the corresponding district. The second place finishers shall be matched against the third place finishers from the corresponding district. The first, second and third place finisher shall be certified by the area meet director, with third place team being the alternate, to the regional director. There will be no playbacks.