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New Academic Director Welcomes the New Opportunity

By David Stevens, Academic Director | Friday, March 30, 2012 11:36 AM

Starting the new position as the Director of Academics the first week of District Meets would seem foolish. It may be, but I have yet to know. It has been great corresponding with so many teachers and administrators across the state. I also want to offer a public thanks to the UIL Academic staff.  They have been extremely helpful in so many ways in this transition. We have a state champion academic team in the UIL office, and it is my privilege to join them.
One of the greatest opportunities about being a student in UIL Academic contests is the opportunity for scholarships.  TILF scholarship applications will be available starting April 1.  Any student who has competed at the State Meet in Academics at any time during his/her high school career is eligible to apply. Each year TILF gives more than $1 million in scholarships to attend Texas colleges and universities. See the link on the UIL website for more information.

Texas’ best will be featured at the UIL State Academic and One-Act Play Contest on Monday and Tuesday, May 21-22. The One-Act Play State Contest will continue through Wednesday, May 23. The Academic Calendar has seen a number of changes this year. The state testing calendar, availability of facilities and a number of other issues impacted the creation of the calendar. Loss of school time will remain about the same, as we revert to a two-day schedule.

Improve your chances of being at the State Meet next year and attend what has become known as coaching school for UIL Academics. The Capitol Conference is scheduled for July 5-6 at The University of Texas at Austin. Registration materials can be found on the UIL Academic website link under conferences. This event offers a variety of sessions for high school academic coaches and coordinators for two days, covering most academic events. Workshops will be offered for veteran and first-time coordinators/coaches for high school and elementary, middle school and junior high. Workshops from the past have included eligibility rules, setting up a budget, running the meets, prose and poetry selections, researching the cross-examination debate resolution, directing the one-act play and entering the theatrical design contest. This conference features many of the state's most outstanding and successful academic coaches and coordinators as well as many of the League's state contest directors.

In closing, please know that any question or comment is never too foolish. We listen to all the input from both the competitors and the coaches. I look forward to working together to make this a positive experience for all involved as I learn the role of the new position. Thanks for all you do!