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OAP Updates and Reminders

By Luis Muñoz, Theatre Director | Monday, November 17, 2014 2:39 PM

Thank you for enrolling to participate in this year’s UIL OAP Contest.  To date, 1227 have enrolled in this year’s contest. This is the highest number in League history. We look forward to working together to make this a productive year. 

Please remember to download the new Handbook for One-Act Play.  The link can be found under “Resources and Forms” on our website. Some major revisions were made on Oct. 16 on pages 28-29 and the pages that reflect the items involved.

Those of you who are looking for judges to complete your panels can find a directory of available judges on our site. It’s like for OAP.  We will be adding an addendum later this week.

I’d like to welcome Elisabeth Sikes to our office. Elisabeth served as the senior administrative associate in Academics for almost seven years. Elisabeth holds an MFA in film from UT-Austin.  Before coming to UIL, she worked as the director of artist services for the Austin Film Society for six years. She will be a tremendous asset as our film program continues to grow. 

Legislative Council Passes Major Rule Change for 2015-16
Section 1033 (c) (2) of the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules was amended as follows effective August 1, 2015, pending approval by the Commissioner of Education:

1033 (c) (2) Contest Play Eligibility. The contest manager is required to declare ineligible for advancement or ranking a play that violates Section 1033 (c) (2) (C), (D) (i and ii) H, and J. Violations of any other rules shall be reported to the appropriate Executive Committee.

In essence, the rule will now prohibit a play that violates the set, strike and performance time limits, that violates the guns/explosives rule, that uses too much unit set, has too many company members or that violates the director being in “backstage” areas rule from advancing or being ranked in the top three at State.  The change will allow the school to receive acting awards and the points associated with them. In a major change from the  “disqualification” of the past, the school will be required to attend critique. The school, at this time, would have the option.

Script and Set Deadline
A reminder that any scripts not on the approved lists and set additions must be submitted and postmarked by Dec. 21.  The Sunday deadline requires that you get those entries to your postal service or UPS, FedEx offices before that. 

If you are nearby and want to come by the office and drop it off, we will be open until Dec. 19.  There is also a drop box at the Manor Road side of the building. We will check for drop-offs on the morning of Dec. 22.

A few hints:
1. Don’t send it overnight Dec. 19-21. Nobody will be here to receive it, and it will be returned.
2. Do not sent it where a signature is required.  No one will be here to sign for it. It will end up being returned to you while UT is closed.
3. Send them to: State Theatre Director-UIL,1701 Manor Road, Austin, Texas 78722. Avoid the PO Box address.
4. Request a confirmation receipt or enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and we will return it.
5. Do not call to see if we received it or have processed it.  It may require that we remove it from the reading order and move it to the end.
6. Make sure it is complete, and you have followed directions. There will be no opportunity to resubmit after Dec. 21.
7. Keep receipts. We may need them if something gets lost in the mail.

Over 100 Titles Added to Approved Play Lists
More than 100 plays were added to the Approved Lists of Long and Short Plays this fall.  Make sure you check the list before you submit plays to the State Office.  Many of the plays have had a strong history of approval and production in UIL competition.  A few of these plays come from playwrights who publish their own works.  Be sure to remember that all of these plays must comply with the Standards Rule and may need to be edited.  “Standards. Directors shall eliminate or reject profane references to a deity and obscene language, actions or scenes from the approved production. The administration of the producing school shall assure that the director complies with these requirements and that the play does not offend the moral standards of the community. When a script and the staged production are examined and approved by the administration of the producing school, the production is eligible for presentation at any contest site. The Standards Compliance Form serves to certify that the play and production have been carefully examined and approved for presentation.”

This summer I attended the AATE (The American Alliance for Theatre and Education) Conference in Denver. I attended some excellent workshops and also came across to documents I wanted to share with you. The first is the AATE Directory of Award-Winning Plays and Playwrights. The other is their AATE New Plays by Members.  These lists have been posted on the UIL website under “Resources and Forms.”

New Judges and Officials Organization Formed
In January 2014, the membership of the Texas Educational Theatre Association Adjudicator Organization (TETAAO) voted to disband and form its own organization. In its place the group has founded the Texas Theatre Adjudicators and Officials (TTAO). The TTAO is a group of theatre professionals dedicated to supporting educational theatre by training, developing and recruiting qualified adjudicators and contest managers to serve as officials for the University Interscholastic League (UIL) One-Act Play contest as well as other theatrical competitions in Texas. In addition, TTAO works in partnership with the UIL State Theatre Director to review policies and procedures regarding the One-Act Play contest and to recommend revisions as needed.

In an effort to expand the judging pool, TTAO is excited to offer four certification opportunities during the coming year. Potential judges should hold a degree in theatre or have UIL One-Act Play experience as a director or contest manager and may not be involved in the direction of an official UIL One-Act Play entry for the season. All participants in certification workshops must be pre-approved by completing an online application available six weeks prior to each workshop opportunity.   Questions regarding certification should be directed to the current TTAO chair: Travis Springfield: 

Young Filmmakers Contest Info Posted
Last year the League introduced the UIL Young Filmmakers Festival. The inaugural contest saw 495 entries in narrative, animation and documentary.  Over 130 judges participated in a month of judging.  Tim Cook, Salado High School Debate Coach and Film Sponsor said,  “My experience with the UIL Young Filmmakers was the most gratifying experience I have had in my over 30 years experience. I still have daily communication from the team members because it was such a life-changing event for them.”

Information regarding this year’s contest can be downloaded from the UIL website.

Theatrical Design Contest  - Ad-hoc Committee Revises Procedures
Ronnie Watson and his Ad-Hoc Committee on Theatrical Design met and reviewed the rules and procedures for the UIL Theatrical Design Contest. As it began its 10th year, we felt it was time to take a hard look at it and make the changes that the contest needed.  It is important that sponsors study the new requirements, dimensions and entry procedure.

The contest has grown from 36 entries in its first year to over 600 in the last few. The strong enrollment from 1A through 6A justified splitting the contest into two divisions beginning in this year. Conferences 1A-4A will compete in Division 1, and 5A and 6A will compete in Division 2.  Awards at state have been expanded to include 6th place.

Information regarding this year’s contest can be downloaded from the UIL website.