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Technology Will Allow for More Frequent Updates of PML for 2011-12 School Year

By Richard Floyd, Music Director | Thursday, January 27, 2011 1:45 PM

While there has been a great deal of information distributed regarding the new Prescribed Music List revision process, there remains a certain degree of misunderstanding and confusion regarding what is taking place.  For at least the last five decades, a committee of five to seven members in band, choir and orchestra has reviewed the Prescribed Music every four years.  The end result was a new publication that remained the official UIL list until a new committee convened four years later.  With the expanded use of online technology, it became apparent in recent years that a more contemporary and Web-based strategy was in order.

As everyone knows, the PML now “lives” online supported by a search engine that allows directors, private teacher, students and music dealers to explore the list in a multitude of ways.  The system also supports online contest entries.  Furthermore, with the utilization of available technology, it is possible for the list to be maintained and modified in “real time” and on an ongoing basis.  It is no longer necessary to wait four years to print a new edition.  Thus, beginning in the 2011-12 school year, music will be added to the list annually prior to the beginning of the new school year.

The committees are now all comprised of seven members with a chair who has served on the committee for the three previous years.  Each year, two members rotate off of the committee and two new members come on board. The chair is then appointed from the two members just completing their three-year term.  This system will give us a higher degree of continuity and a more efficient process for PML updates.  The current members of the committees can be viewed at

The process for publishers and individuals submitting pieces for committee consideration also has been modified.  Submissions for band, choir and orchestra concert music are now submitted electronically.  Links on the referenced Web page above will take the viewer to an overview of the new process as well as the electronic portal that facilitates the submission process.  Works are submitted by providing title, composer and publisher information, then attaching a pdf of the score.  The final step is to attach an mp3 recording of the submission or provide a link to an online performance of the work being submitted.  The brief process is repeated for each title submitted. 

Remember that this portal is not limited to the use of publishers.  Anyone can submit a piece for committee consideration. 

The committees then have the capability of reviewing these submissions electronically.  Committee members simply log on with their password and peruse submissions, provide comments in their personal dialogue box and ultimately vote on each piece.  Members can read other committee member comments and the chair of the committee can tabulate results and determine the status of each piece.  Those works that are clearly approved by the committee are added to the list.  Those that are rejected by the majority of committee are deleted.  Pieces that are “borderline” as the result of a split vote are held until the committee can meet face-to-face, dialogue and make a final group decision.

We anticipate that this procedure will accelerate the review process, minimize meeting time for the committees and save travel dollars in the process. The first additions will be added to the list prior to the beginning of the 2011 school year.