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Soccer Radio Broadcast FAQs

RADIO BROADCAST: Live or delayed audio broadcast of a contest that can be transmitted through AM/FM radio, Internet audio stream, podcast, high definition radio, satellite radio, smart phone apps, tablet computer apps or any other medium.

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What is required to do a play-by-play radio broadcast of a game during the UIL soccer playoffs?
To broadcast a soccer playoff game, stations must follow the Radio Playoff Guidelines
How do I obtain media credentials to the UIL State Soccer Tournament?
You will need to submit a media credential request form, which can be found on the UIL website, by the posted deadline for each tournament. See media deadlines here.
Are there broadcast rights fees at UIL State Championship events?
Yes. The radio broadcast rights fees for the UIL State Soccer Tournament are as follows:
State Tournament Fee
Semifinal $100 per game
Final $125 per game
Can two or more outlets do a play-by-play radio broadcast for the same team at the UIL State Soccer Tournament?
No. At the UIL State Soccer Tournament, only one outlet will be granted rights to do a play-by-play radio broadcast of a team due to space limitations. The UIL will contact a school administrator of that team and allow the school to decide which outlet will be granted rights to do the play-by-play radio broadcast.
Can my radio broadcast be sent out to other radio stations or Internet sites?
No. If your outlet has been granted rights to do a play-by-play radio broadcast of a UIL state tournament contest, you may not feed your radio broadcast to other outlets. Outlets that receive a feed will be subject to the same radio broadcast rights fees as the outlet sending the feed. If your outlet will be broadcasting through its own radio station and your station’s Internet site, no extra fee will be incurred.
Are there any restrictions on radio broadcasts at the UIL State Soccer Tournament?
Yes. There shall be no destructive criticisms of officials’ decisions, and no mention shall be made of injuries, unpreventable accidents, or other incidents that could cause any anxiety on the part of listeners.
Are there any restrictions on the type of advertisements that can be played during radio broadcasts of the UIL State Soccer Tournament?
Yes. Political announcements, cigarettes or other tobacco product, gambling services or venues, sexual services or adult entertainment venues, alcohol and firearms advertisements are prohibited during radio broadcasts of any UIL activities.
Where can I find specific rules from the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules that pertain to radio broadcasts?
To see the exact rules from the UIL C&CR, please reference Section 868: BROADCAST OF UIL EVENTS.