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University Interscholastic League Logo

Choir Performance Requirements

At least one composition must be performed without pitched accompaniment (a cappella), and all of the compositions may be performed a cappella if indicated as such in the published score.  The text must be performed in the language of the title as listed in the PML unless otherwise notated in the published score.  Selections may be performed in any key, published or transposed.  Voicings shall be utilized as indicated in the published score and as dictated in the PML requirements.


  1. The term "keyboard" encompasses organ, piano, or harpsichord.
  2. Instrumental accompaniment shall be utilized as indicated in the published score.  
  3. Recorded accompaniment is permissible only when specified in the score.
  4. A synthesized accompaniment may be used under the following provisions:
    1. A synthesized accompaniment should be used only when the original instrumentation is not available.
    2. The quality of the synthesizer sound should be commensurate with the intent of the composer.
    3. The synthesized accompaniment must be performed "live" as a part of the performance.
    4. Synthesized sound may not support or replace vocal parts.
    5. It shall be the responsibility of the choral group director to provide all equipment for the production of synthesized sound.
  5. The quality of accompaniment may be considered by the judges and can affect the overall rating of the performance.

Substitution of Other Editions

Substitution of Unlisted Editions for Selections in the PML - Any unabridged edition by a current copyright holder of a selection appearing in the Prescribed Music List may be substituted.  UIL Music defines unabridged as containing the same musical content and degree of difficulty from the version appearing in the PML.  The director of the performing organization or event shall be responsible for the compliance of any substitute edition.  Directors are encouraged to seek approval from the UIL for any unabridged substitution in advance of the performance.  Approval shall be determined by comparing the version on the PML with the substitution.  If a substitution is performed and is determined to be abridged the performing organization or event shall be subject to penalty as stated in C&CR Section 1110(d)(3)(C) and Section 1108(h)(1).

Extended Works Requirements (Grade VI)

The Extended Works List (Grade VI) is provided for choirs desiring to perform a more lengthy work of greater scope than works found in lower classifications. The option of performing an extended work is open to Conference 6A and 5A first groups only. Accompaniment must be as specified. Performance times given are approximations.

Conference 1st Selection 2nd Selection
6A Extended Works list (Grade VI) Grade V list
5A Extended Works list (Grade VI) Grade IV or V lists

Performance Requirements

Performance Requirements for High School Varsity
Conference 1st Selection 2nd Selection 3rd Selection
6A Grade V list Grade IV or V lists Any Source
5A Grade IV or V lists Grade III, IV or V lists Any Source
4A Grade III, IV or V lists Grade II, III, IV or V lists Any Source
3A Grade II, III, IV or V lists Grade I, II, III, IV or V lists Any Source
1A/2A Grade I, II, III, IV or V lists Grade I, II, III, IV or V lists Any Source
Performance Requirements Middle School Varsity
Conference 1st Selection 2nd Selection 3rd Selection
3C Grade II, III, IV or V lists Grade II, III, IV or V lists Any Source
2C Grade II, III, IV or V lists Grade I, II, III, IV or V lists Any Source
1C Grade I, II, III, IV or V lists Grade I, II, III, IV or V lists Any Source
Performance Requirements for Non-Varsity Groups
Conference 1st Selection 2nd Selection 3rd Selection
All 6A NV Grade III, IV or V lists Grade II, III, IV or V lists Any Source
All 5A and down NV Grade I, II, III, IV or V lists Grade I, II, III, IV or V lists Any Source