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UIL Creates New Eligibility Form for Displaced Student Athletes

Media Contact: Kim Rogers
Phone: 512-471-5883

Date: Sep 02, 2005
Category: Athletics


AUSTIN, TX- The University Interscholastic League created and disseminated a new eligibility form today to be used for student athletes displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The new form can be found on the UIL web site:

Additionally, the UIL is issuing the following information regarding the varsity athletic eligibility of those students along with reclassification and realignment instructions. This information replaces the information released Wednesday regarding the eligibility of those students.

Sub Varsity Participation - All Schools
Students can immediately participate in sub varsity activities upon completion of the Pre-participation Physical Examination (for those in their first and third year of high school) and Medical History (for all students) Forms, Acknowledgement of Rules-Parent Permission Slip and the Illegal Steroid Use Parent and Student Notification/Agreement Form.

Varsity Athletic Participation - Multiple School Independent School Districts

The eligibility for varsity athletic participation in a multiple school independent school district would be determined based on the school assignment made by that ISD. Students who attended the school as directed by the ISD in which they are temporarily housed could be eligible for varsity athletic participation with the following conditions:

ο For each student desiring to participate in varsity athletics, the school must complete and submit the University Interscholastic League Athletic Eligibility Waiver for Student Athletes Displaced by Hurricane Katrina (available on the UIL web site). Displaced students are ineligible for varsity athletic participation until both the applicable District Executive Committee and the UIL approve the Eligibility Waiver. Upon approval, the UIL will return the approved form to the school.

ο Once the above-mentioned Eligibility Waiver is approved, students could participate in varsity athletic activities upon completion of the Pre-participation Physical Examination (for those in their first and third year of high school) and Medical History (for all students) Forms, Acknowledgement of Rules-Parent Permission Slip and the Illegal Steroid Use Parent and Student Notification/Agreement Form. Additionally, the provisions of the 15-calendar day rule will apply to students who enroll after the sixth class day of the school year.

**Student athletes who attend a school other than the one assigned by the ISD in which they are temporarily housed would be ineligible for varsity athletic participation for one calendar year.

Varsity Athletic Participation - Single School Independent School Districts

The eligibility for varsity athletic participation in a single school independent school district would be determined based on the location of the temporary residence/location of the displaced student. Students who attend school in the Independent School District in which they are temporarily housed could be eligible with the following conditions:

ο For each student desiring to participate in varsity athletics, the school must complete and submit the University Interscholastic League Athletic Eligibility Waiver for Student Athletes Displaced by Hurricane Katrina (available on the UIL web site). Displaced students are ineligible for varsity athletic participation until both the applicable District Executive Committee and the UIL approve the Eligibility Waiver. Upon approval, the UIL will return the approved form to the school.

ο Once the above-mentioned Eligibility Waiver is approved, students could participate in varsity athletic activities upon completion of the Pre-participation Physical Examination (for those in their first and third year of high school) and Medical History (for all students) Forms, Acknowledgement of Rules-Parent Permission Slip and the Illegal Steroid Use Parent and Student Notification/Agreement Form. Additionally, the provisions of the 15-calendar day rule will applyto students who enroll after the sixth class day of the school year.

**Student athletes who attend a school outside the ISD in which they are temporarily housed would be ineligible for varsity athletic participation for one calendar year.

Reclassification and Realignment

Any high school that enrolls a student or students displaced by Hurricane Katrina in grades 9-12 should document each and every one of those students, regardless of athletic participation. The number of students displaced by Hurricane Katrina in grades 9-12, including their names and the date they enrolled in the new high school, should be submitted to the UIL office along with the Reclassification and Realignment Enrollment Form in October.

Any questions on requirements associated with this situation should be directed to the UIL Athletic Office.

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