UIL Eligibility of Students Displaced by Hurricane Katrina
Media Contact: Kim Rogers
Phone: 512-471-5883
Date: Aug 31, 2005
Category: Athletics
AUSTIN, TX- The University Interscholastic League is issuing the following statement regarding questions about the varsity athletic eligibility of students displaced to Texas by Hurricane Katrina:
The school should put all pertinent information in writing to the UIL office, including where the family is relocating from, and UIL will issue a written interpretation on eligibility in each specific situation. Additionally, this will allow UIL to identify the number of displaced students enrolled in each school.
If the entire family has been relocated to Texas:
- Students can immediately participate in sub varsity activities upon completion of the following forms:
- Pre-participation Physical Examination Form (for those in their first and third year of high school)
- Medical History Form (for all students)
- Acknowledgement of Rules
- Illegal Steroid Use Parent and Student Notification/Agreement Form
For varsity athletic participation, in addition to the required forms listed above, the following will apply:
- The provisions of the 15-calendar day rule will apply to students enrolling after the sixth class day of the school year.
- Students must complete the UIL Varsity Athletic Eligibility Questionnaire and Sections I and II of the Previous Athletic Participation Form (PAPF). Both forms are available on the UIL website. (Section III of the PAPF does not have to be completed for students displaced by Hurricane Katrina.)
- These Previous Participation forms must be submitted to and signed by the chairperson of the applicable District Executive Committee prior to varsity athletic participation.
If only part of the family has been relocated to Texas (other immediate family members remaining in affected area):
Students can immediately participate in sub varsity activities upon completion of the following forms:
- Pre-participation Physical Examination Form (for those in their first and third year of high school)
- Medical History Form (for all students)
- Acknowledgement of Rules
- Illegal Steroid Use Parent and Student Notification/Agreement Form
For varsity athletic participation, in addition to the required forms listed above, the following will apply:
- Students must apply for a Waiver of Athletic Eligibility- Parent Residence Rule.(Students displaced by Hurricane Katrina will be exempt from waiver filing fees.)
- The provisions of the 15-calendar day rule will apply to students enrolling after the sixth class day of the school year.
- Students must complete the UIL Varsity Athletic Eligibility Questionnaire and Sections I and II of the Previous Athletic Participation Form (PAPF). Both forms are available on the UIL web site. (Section III of the PAPF does not have to be completed for students displaced by Hurricane Katrina.)
- These Previous Participation forms must be submitted to and signed by the chairperson of the applicable District Executive Committee prior to varsity athletic participation.
For any additional questions or further information regarding this matter, schools should contact the UIL office.
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