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University Interscholastic League Logo

UIL Legislative Council to Meet

Media Contact: Kim Rogers
Phone: 512-471-5883

Date: Oct 13, 2006
Category: Legislative Council



AUSTIN, TX- The University Interscholastic League Legislative Council will convene October 15-16 at the Austin Airport Hilton to review UIL rules and vote on proposed rule changes.

The UIL Legislative Council meets annually to hear testimony from interested parties and consider changes in UIL policy.  Some proposals that will highlight the agenda at this year's meeting include:

οAdding boys volleyball; 

οChanging the swimming season;

οAllowing all 3A schools to conduct Spring Football practice on a three-year trial basis;

οRequiring each high school campus to have one Automated External Defibrillator (AED).


Results from the UIL Superintendent Survey will also be presented and voted on at the Council Meeting.  Superintendents across the state were asked to weigh in on several issues including the following:

οChanging the baseball start date;

οHaving Regional Tournaments in all sports;

οAllowing golf coaches to coach from green to tee;

οSanctioning wheelchair track;

οRequiring 5A girls to run a 5K race in cross-country.


Survey results will be discussed by the Standing Committee on Athletics and then presented to the entire Legislative Council to determine what further actions, if any, need to be taken. 


The 28-member Legislative Council is composed of school administrators from each of the four regions within the five UIL conferences, and eight at-large members, two from each of the four UIL regions.  The chair of the Legislative Council is responsible for the appointment of the eight at-large members.


The Council's duties include proposing and passing amendments to the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules, amending or adopting contest rules, appointing standing and special committees, and fixing membership and participant school fees.


An agenda for the meeting follows.


The University Interscholastic League

Legislative Council Meeting

October 15, 2006

Austin Airport Hilton

Austin, Texas


The 66th annual meeting of the Legislative Council of the University Interscholastic League will be held on Sunday and Monday, October 15 & 16, 2006 at the Austin Airport Hilton, Austin, Texas, beginning and continuing at the times indicated below, in the rooms noted, according to the following agenda, unless otherwise announced by the Chair of the Legislative Council.


9:00 am Business Meeting Ballroom A&B Chair, Charles Butcher

A. Quorum Call

B. Adoption of Meeting Rules

C. Adoption of Agenda

D. Approval of June 12, 2006 Minutes


9:05 am Public Hearing (AA-BB)

Individuals who are speaking before the Committee are asked to make their presentations as brief as possible. Scheduled speakers will be allowed no more than five (5) minutes and unscheduled speakers no more than three (3) minutes.  Further written remarks are welcome.  If more than one person is speaking to the same topic, please try to avoid repetition.  We appreciate your cooperation as we have many proposals to hear this morning.


AA.  Scheduled Speakers 

9:05 am 1. George Block, Assistant Athletic Director, San Antonio Northside ISD, swimming   proposal

9:10 am 2. D.W. Rutledge, Texas High School Coaches Association

9:15 am 3. D.W. Rutledge, Texas High School Coaches Association

9:20 am 4. Sam Tipton, Texas Girls Coaches Association

9:25 am 5. Sam Tipton, Texas Girls Coaches Association

9:30 am 6. Joe Rodriguez, Texas High School Athletic Directors Association

9:35 am 7. Ray Baca, Cross Country Coaches Association

9:40 am 8. Toni Schramme, TISCA

9:45 am 9. Steven Ellinger, Texas Association of Sports Officials

9:50 am 10. Jerry Christmas, Texas SixMan Coaches Association

9:55 am 11. Tom Collins, THSBCA

10:00 am 12. Wes Strahan, TASCO

10:05 am 13. Dan Lang, TWOA

10:10 am 14. Rick Sherley, TABC

10:15 am 15. Steve Bonds, Tennis Coaches Association

10:20 am 16. Steve Nelson, Wrestling

10:25 am 17. Jackie Madden, Wheelchair Track

10:30 am 18. Mike Haynes, Wheelchair Track


BB. Unscheduled Speakers


E. Executive Session

An executive session will be announced at this time pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act of the Texas Government Act, Subchapter D.  The Legislative Council may consider personnel and pending or contemplated litigation.  No other items of the business of the UIL will be considered during the executive session.

Recess Public Hearing


10:40 am F. Standing Committee Meetings  (or at such time as announced by chair)

Academic Committee Charles Butcher

Athletic Committee Vernon Newsom

Music Committee John Folks

Policy Committee Richard Cohagan

12:00 noon    Lunch


1:00 pm   F. Reconvene Standing Committee Meetings

-- END --