UIL State Executive Committee to Meet
Media Contact: Kim Rogers
Phone: 512-471-5883
Email: pr@uiltexas.org
Date: Jan 14, 2009
Category: State Executive Committee
AUSTIN, TX— The State Executive Committee of the University Interscholastic League will convene at 9 a.m. on Thursday, January 15 at the UIL building in Austin to hear cases of alleged UIL rule violations and determine the eligibility of student-athletes.
A schedule of tomorrow’s hearings is below. The State Executive Committee meeting is an open meeting and all interested parties are invited to attend.
9:05 am AA. Denton Guyer High School: Appeal of District 5-4A Executive Committee Decision Regarding Eligibility of a Student Athlete.
9:50 am BB. Houston Washington High School: Appeal of District 22-4A Executive Committee Decision Regarding Eligibility of a Student Athlete.
10:35 am CC. Houston Stratford High School: Request for Exception to Section 27 (b) (3), Forfeiture of Contest.
11:20 am DD. Tidehaven High School: Case Referred by District 29-2A Executive Committee, Alleged Violation of Section 1206 (k), Holiday Practice Restrictions.
1. Coach Clarence Jones
2. Coach Rush Claxton
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