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Suggestions for Online LD Debate Research

American Philosophical Association Online
Much of this site is available only to APA members, but there is a public archive which includes APA Newsletters and some other publications.
Maintains links to dozens of philosophy resources on the Internet.

Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
Operated by Peter Suber of the philosophy department at Earlham College.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
This is a one-stop-shop for finding the meaning of key terms in philosophy as well as a brief overview of the biography and teachings of major and minor philosophers.

The Radical Academy
Unlike what the name would suggest, this site provides information on a wide range of philosophical topics. It includes "The Classic Philosophers," "Glossary of Philosophical Terms," "Adventures in Philosophy," and "Religion Resource Center." In the "Philosophical Resource Center," there is a database of quotations from great philosophers, searchable by keyword or by philosopher.

The WWW Virtual Library: Philosophy
This philosophy library is made available through the University of Bristol's Department of Philosophy. This site makes available the philosophy section of the "Social Science Information Gateway" (SOSIG). SOSIG provides a philosophy search engine.

UM-Flint Department of Philosophy
The top part of this page simply presents information about the course offerings of the University of Michigan-Flint Department of Philosophy. At the bottom of the page, though, is a wonderful collection of philosophy sites on the web.

Suggestions for Online Lincoln Douglas Research from Dr. Rich Edwards 

A Glossary of Philosophical Terms: This site provides a downloadable PDF containing 34 pages briefly defining major terms in philosophy: websites/9780199812998/studentresources/pdf/perry_glossary.pdf

Dictionary of Western Philosophy: Philosophy professor, Garth Kemerling, maintains this site, offering the following description: “This is a concise guide to technical terms and personal names often encountered in the study of philosophy. What you will find here naturally reflects my own philosophical interests and convictions, but everything is meant to be clear, accurate, and fair, a reliable source of information on Western philosophy for a broad audience”:

Guide to Philosophy on the Internet: Operated by Peter Suber of the philosophy department at Earlham College.

Immanuel Kant: Philosopher of Freedom: This is an excellent site, maintained by Dartmouth College professor, Jason Sorens, offering an introduction to the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Professor Sorens writes,If you want to understand the moral basis of a free society, there might be no better place to start than the thought of Immanuel Kant”:

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: This is a one-stop-shop for finding the meaning of key terms in philosophy as well as a brief overview of the biography and teachings of major and minor philosophers.

Introduction to Philosophy: This is an Online philosophy textbook (in seventeen chapters) written by Dallas M. Roark, professor at Emporia State University :

Project Gutenberg: The description offered by this site: “Project Gutenberg offers over 54,000 free eBooks: Choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, especially older works for which copyright has expired”

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: This site describes itself as follows: “The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy organizes scholars from around the world in philosophy and related disciplines to create and maintain an up-to-date reference work.” The site allows a simple search box as well as a clickable Table of Contents:

The Basics of Philosophy: This site offers the following selectable tabs dealing with all aspects of philosophy: General, By Branch/Doctrine, By Historical Period, By Movement/School, By Individual Philosopher: