UIL Extemporaneous Speaking Guide
Included in the book are numerous tips for successful Extemporaneous Speaking. It provides a clear focus on the basics of good public speaking and techniques that Speech and Debate Director Jana Riggins shared with her students, including multiple Extemporaneous Speaking State Champions, over her years as an educator and forensics coach.
This handbook contains information that is valuable to both the coach and the competitor; it offers Tips on how to Research for Extemporaneous Speaking, Maintaining Extemp Files, Where to Find Research, Constructing and Delivering a Speech, as well as Advice on Participating in Tournaments.
This is also the source for UIL Extemporaneous Speaking Rules, Sample Topics, Sample Ballots, as well as a Question and Answer section concerning the contest.
Contest Directors will find contest procedures to follow when administering the contest.
We are excited to provide this resource for you and your students. We hope it can play a part in enriching your students’ experiences with Informative and Persuasive Speaking this season.
Download a complimentary copy from this link: http://www.uiltexas.org/academics/resources/contest-handbooks-manuals