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2022-2023 High School One-Act Play State Meet Results - 1A

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State Champion

Trinidad - sf Sylvia

State Champion Cast: Heaven Bryant, Jack Stephens, Payton Wendt, Gauge Carmon

State Champion Crew: Brooklyn Wendt, Anneliese Ellison, Ana Ochoa, Jonathan Tharp, Caden Wisdom, Annel Duran-Garcia, Addyson Wendt, Nilah Stewart-Ayala, Neco Waters

State Champion Director(s): DeAnna Tart, Miller Motley, Julie Tackitt-Martin, Brian Martin

First Runner Up

Abbott - sf Treasure Island

Second Runner Up

Rankin - sf The White Rose

Samuel French Award (sponsored by Concord Theatricals)

Name School Play Role
Will Kazda Abbott sf Treasure Island Long John Silver

Best Performer

Name School Play Role
Will Kazda Abbott sf Treasure Island Long John Silver

Best Performer

Name School Play Role
Heavan Bryant Trinidad sf Sylvia Sylvia

Outstanding Technician

Name School Play Role
Kason Wehba Roscoe Highland sf sf No Room for a Picture on the Blank Wall Stage Manager

All-Star Cast

Name School Play Role
Greg Weaver Roscoe Highland sf No Room for a Picture on the Blank Wall Peter Bunther
Taylor Gass O’Donnell sf Silent Sky Henrietta Leavitt .
Andrew Walker Abbott sf Treasure Island Jim Hawkins
Griffith Reel Jayton sf Shipwrecked! An Entertainment Louis De Rougemont
Laura Chapman Bryson Sf These Shining Lives Catherine Donohue
Jack Stephens Trinidad sf Sylvia Greg
Nikko Delgado Rankin sf The White Rose Robert Mohr
Keller Pruett Slidell Sf The Storm in the Barn Jack

Honorable Mention All-Star Cast

Name School Play Role
Kylie Gray Roscoe Highland sf No Room for a Picture on the Blank Wall Rosemary Bunther
Marcell Lewis Abbott sf Treasure Island Rathbone, Billy Bones
Zacharius Morado O’Donnell sf Silent Sky Peter Shaw
Jackson Eberle Bryson Sf These Shining Lives Tom Donohue
Jayme Braly Jayton sf Shipwrecked! An Entertainment Bruno/Queen
Payton Wendt Trinidad sf Sylvia Kate
Jaxon Wyatt Rankin sf The White Rose Anton Mahler
Addison Stevens Slidell Sf The Storm in the Barn Addison Stevens

Theatre Team Champions

Place School

*sf - "Scenes From"