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2001-2002 High School One-Act Play State Meet Results - 3A

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State Champion

Van - sf Godspell

State Champion Cast: Bryan Sanders, Justin Billington, Amanda Hutchins, Tiffany Jaynes, Heidi Snow, Garen Lowrey, Seth Copeland, Alicia Snow, Austin McNair, Megan Moore, Jordan Martin, John Morgan, Josh Ward, David Peterson. Alternates: Krystal Cox, Jory Davis, Wade Curtis, Rachel Behymer.

State Champion Crew: Cory Galloway, Whitney Wilson, Krystal Norton, Erin Hutchins.

State Champion Director(s): Larry Wisdom, Sue Wisdom.

First Runner Up

Mont Belvieu Barbers Hill - sf The Elephant Man

Second Runner Up

Seminole - sf Picnic

Samuel French Award (sponsored by Concord Theatricals)

Name School Play Role
Justin Billington Van sf Godspell

Best Performer

Name School Play Role
Justin Billington Van sf Godspell

Best Performer

Name School Play Role
Janice Amaya Little Elm sf Wit

Outstanding Technician

Name School Play Role
Matthew Campbell Mont Belvieu Barbers Hill sf The Elephant Man

All-Star Cast

Name School Play Role
Robbie Sublett Bishop sf Detective Story
Alan Colwell Wimberley sf The Crucible
Joshua Lampley Seminole sf Picnic
Donald Gipson Mont Belvieu Barbers Hill sf The Elephant Man
Colin De Los Santos Mont Belvieu Barbers Hill sf The Elephant Man
Garen Lowrey Van sf Godspell
Rachel Abshier Bishop sf Detective Story
Andrea Hood Seminole sf Picnic

Honorable Mention All-Star Cast

Name School Play Role
Mandi Jensen Little Elm sf Wit
Bryan Sanders Van sf Godspell
Jon M. Chonko Wimberley sf The Crucible
Susan Froese Seminole sf Picnic
Anaiah M. Johnson Bowie The Interview
Paul Hutton Mexia sf Paganini
Candice Bardin Mexia sf Paganini
Mandy Kennedy Bowie The Interview

Theatre Team Champions

Place School

*sf - "Scenes From"