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2011-2012 High School One-Act Play State Meet Results - 2A

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State Champion

Rogers - The Caucasian Chalk Circle

State Champion Cast: Rachel Hattemer, Jackson Sodek, Abigail Patterson, Erique Godino, Tristan Dudley, Chris Willoughby, Katie Hudson, Samuel Vanicek, Matthew Stoughton, Jocelyn Bartmess, Karli Ralston, Victoria Powell, Lindsey Blisard, Connor Layne, Rachel Herzer

State Champion Crew: Kathleen Adam, Michael Kortis, David Trujillo, Lauren Bullock, Jerry Pechal

State Champion Director(s): Phillip Taylor

First Runner Up

Bishop - Alice in Wonderland

Second Runner Up

Winnie East Chambers - Anatomy of Gray

Samuel French Award (sponsored by Concord Theatricals)

Name School Play Role
Matthew Stoughton Rogers The Caucasian Chalk Circle Simon Shashava/Jussup

Best Performer

Name School Play Role
Matthew Stoughton Rogers The Caucasian Chalk Circle Simon Shashava/Jussup

Best Performer

Name School Play Role
Jocelyn Bartmess Rogers The Caucasian Chalk Circle Grusha Vashnadze

Outstanding Technician

Name School Play Role
Ali Castro Sonora Epic Proportions

All-Star Cast

Name School Play Role
Lindsey Johnson Sadler S & S Consolidated Chemical Imbalance Penelope/Calliope
Zachary Leonard Sonora Epic Proportions Benny
Jared Matlock Winnie East Chambers Anatomy of Gray Crutch Collins
Gracie Lott Red Oak Life School Alice in Wonderland Alice
Alex Johnson Quitman To See the Stars Anya Rosen
Rachel Hattermer Rogers The Caucasian Chalk Circle Peasant Woman/Aniko
Cole Driver Quitman To See the Stars Joe Russo
Emily McKnight Winnie East Chambers Anatomy of Gray Rebekah Muldoon

Honorable Mention All-Star Cast

Name School Play Role
Clayton Parks Sonora Epic Proportions Phil
Zoe Zbranek Winnie East Chambers Anatomy of Gray June Muldoon
Silicia Garcia Bishop Alice in Wonderland Alice
Samuel Vanicek Rogers The Caucasian Chalk Circle Prince Kazbeki/Levrenti Vashnadze/Azdak
Josh Reed Red Oak Life School Alice in Wonderland Jerry/Dodgson/Hatter
Paige Sykes Sonora Epic Proportions Louise Goldman
Dakota Roberts Bishop Alice in Wonderland Lewis/Hatter
Lance Labedelle Wall Chemical Imbalance Dr. Henry Jekyll/Hyde

Theatre Team Champions

Place School

*sf - "Scenes From"