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Wrestling Contact Info

Assistant Athletic Director:
AJ Martinez

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State Champions

Wrestling Manual Regular Season


Regular Season

Practice Regulations 

Practice Regulations.

Practice Regulations - When School is in Session - Individual Sports 

  • Eight-Hour Practice Rule – School districts shall adopt policies limiting extracurricular activities from the beginning of the school week through the end of the school week (excluding holidays) by limiting practice outside the school day to a maximum of eight hours per school week per activity.


Practice regulations for sports that practice outside of the school year are as follows- 

  • The maximum length of any single practice session is three hours. 
  • Student-athletes shall not engage in more than five hours of practice activities on those days during which more than one practice is conducted. 
  • Schools shall not schedule more than one practice on consecutive days and student-athletes shall not participate in multiple practices on consecutive days. Exception: Volleyball. 
  • On days when more than one practice is conducted, there shall be, at a minimum, two hours of rest/recovery time between the end of one practice and the beginning of the next practice.
  • What counts towards practice time? Actual on-court practice, sport specific skill instruction, mandatory conditioning, water breaks and rest breaks.
  • What doesn’t count? Meetings, weight training*, film study, injury treatment and voluntary conditioning. *Cannot be done during the two-hour rest between the two practices.

Sundays. A League participant school shall not participate in any athletic contest or conduct any practice, or teach any plays, formations, or skills on Sunday.

  • Violation. Any showing of films to, or meetings of athletes for the purpose of instructions or reviewing of plays, formations, or skills in any sport will be construed as a violation.
  • Coaches Sunday Meetings. This does not prevent coaches from meeting on Sunday or from viewing films or planning an instructional program, provided that no athletes are involved in this meeting.

Contest Scheduling Rules

Contest Scheduling Rules.

The following section combines State Law, State Board of Education regulations, and UIL rules regarding scheduling and participation in a contest.    

  • One contest per school week: According to State Board of Education mandates, students may only participate on one day per activity during the school week. School districts shall ensure no more than one contest or performance per activity is scheduled per student. 
  • *Exception: Tournaments and post-season competition may be scheduled as an exception to the school week limit. As well, district varsity contests postponed by weather or public disaster, provided that they are rescheduled and played on the next available date, other than Sunday, on which another district match is not scheduled.  Junior varsity, freshman and junior high teams may not play postponed matches as an exception.
    • Junior varsity, freshman and junior high teams may not play postponed matches as an exception. 
    • District varsity games that are postponed by weather or public disaster, and not played on the next available date, shall be rescheduled and played on a date determined by the District Executive Committee, but may not be made up as an exception to the school week limitation.
  • TEA and Participation: The Texas Education Agency defines participation as being involved with the activity, traveling with the team, or sitting on the bench. Example:  On a Tuesday night, the student’s name is on the scorebook but she remains on the bench and does not actually enter the game.  This counts as participation for TEA but not UIL, this student would not be able to participate again until after school on Friday, per TEA regulations.
  • UIL and Participation: UIL defines participation if a student athlete actually entered the contest as a player. In the example above, the contest does not count as one of the allowable games as determined by UIL policy.


  • Calendar week means 12:01 a.m. on Sunday through midnight on Saturday. 
  • School week means the week beginning at 12:01 a.m. on the first instructional day of a calendar week and ends at the close of instruction on the last instructional day of the calendar week, excluding holidays. 
  • Post-district play means competition in UIL playoff series or contests such as bi-district, area, regional, etc.
Wrestling Tournament Regulations
Number of Contests Allowed 2024-25
8 Tournaments excluding one district, regional, and state tournament.

There will be two conferences for wrestling, designated 6A and 5A and below.

  • High School Boys
  • High School Girls

Official Rules
All Matches shall be conducted under National Federation Wrestling Rules

No school or student-athlete representing a school shall participate in a tournament or dual meet until November 11, 2024, and after the date for certifying district representatives.

School Week Limitation
No student or team representing a participant school shall participate in more than one contest per school week (the first instructional day of the week through the last school day of the week). A dual, triangular, or quadrangular meet may not count as a tournament but would count as a contest during the school week.
  • Exceptions: The regional and state tournament, and district varsity tournaments postponed by weather or public disaster, may also be scheduled during the school week. Schools shall not enter wrestling tournaments scheduled on more than one school day per any one tournament.

School Tournament Defined
Any match that results in a loss of school time is defined as a school tournament. It could also be considered a school tournament if, in a non-school tournament, a student is wearing school uniforms or equipment, using school transportation, or is being directed in the tournament by a coach paid by the school.

Limit on Matches per Day 
Wrestlers shall not compete in more than the number of matches allowed by NFHS rules in one day (consolation or championship). Wrestlers must have a minimum of 30 minutes rest between matches.

Weather Cancellation or Continuation
A tournament postponed or canceled by weather is considered a tournament when all semi-final matches have been completed. The remaining matches may be completed at a later date without it counting as another tournament, provided there is no loss of school time. When all semi-final matches have not been completed, the tournament director has three options:
  • The tournament may be canceled and not count as a tournament for the individual or the school.
  • The tournament may be continued, provided there is no additional loss of school time.
  • The tournament may be continued with loss of school time and shall count as two tournaments.

Weight Classifications
There shall be 14 weight classes for UIL Boys Wrestling. A high school team may enter one athlete in each weight class. The two-pound growth allowance does not allow for a wrestler to drop below his/her minimum weight class.
  • Boys weight classes are: 106 lbs, 113 lbs, 120 lbs, 126 lbs, 132 lbs, 138 lbs, 144 lbs, 150 lbs, 157 lbs, 165 lbs, 175 lbs, 190 lbs, 215 lbs, and 285 lbs
  • Growth Allowance: A two-pound growth allowance takes effect on December 27.

There shall be 12 weight classes for UIL Girls Wrestling. A high school team may enter 1 athlete in each weight class.
  • Girls weight classes are: 100 lbs, 107 lbs, 114 lbs, 120 lbs, 126 lbs, 132lbs, 138 lbs, 145 lbs, 152 lbs, 165 lbs, 185 lbs, and 235 lbs
  • Growth Allowance: A two-pound growth allowance takes effect on December 27.

Clothing & Uniforms
Individuals and teams representing member schools in wrestling shall wear school-approved clothing. It is recommended that clothing be in school colors, similar in design, and/or have the school-identifying logo or name. All clothing does not have to be identical, but the school officials must approve whatever is worn.

Hair Rule
The length requirement of the rule has been removed and hair covering is not mandatory. If a hair cover is used, it shall meet the expectations of the rule. The hair cover must be of a solid material, non-abrasive and shall be attached to the ear guards. A legal hair-controlled device such as a rubber band(s) shall be secured so as not to come off readily during wrestling. NFHS Rule 4-2-1

Weigh-ins for all UIL dual meets and tournaments shall follow the procedures outlined in Rule 4-5 of the National Federation Wrestling Rule Book.

Team Scoring
In district, regional, and state tournaments, team honors shall be determined by the National Federation scoring standards detailed in the rule book.

Coach Ejection
In addition to the penalty imposed by the local school district on a coach who is ejected from a game, the Automatic Minimum Penalty is discussed in Section 1208: Athletic Regulations of the Constitution & Contest Rules. The automatic penalty for a coach who is ejected from a contest who is not current on their UIL Coaches Certification Program is suspension in the next contest.

High school participants may receive only symbolic awards for participation in a school activity (i.e. trophies, plaques, or medals). High school athletes cannot accept anything of valuable consideration (defined as anything that is wearable, usable or salable). Using students’ names for advertising purposes, if paid, is prohibited.

Non-Conference and District Contest
  • Videotaping/Filming by Schools: It is a violation to film or videotape a non-conference or district athletic contest in which your school or team is not competing unless prior consent of the two schools involved has been obtained.
  • A school does not have to obtain permission to film or tape a NON-CONFERENCE OR DISTRICT contest in which it is competing. However, the film or videotape shall not be utilized until after the contest has been completed.
  • Films and videotapes become the property of the school doing the filming unless by district rule or by consent of the schools involved in the contest.
  • Videotaping/Filming by Individuals: Any individual (other than the officially designated school camera) taping or filming must have prior permission from the schools involved in the contest and may not obstruct the view of other spectators of the contest.
  • Commercial Uses: Use of the films or tapes for commercial purposes must be approved by all schools involved in the contest.

Non-School Wrestling
Any type of wrestling that is not the collegiate style of wrestling utilized during the UIL wrestling season and as part of the UIL program is considered non-school wrestling. This would include freestyle, Greco-Roman and other forms of wrestling.

Coaches of individual sports are allowed to work with student-athletes from their attendance zone in non-school practice during the school year with limitations. Coaches should be aware that any time spent working with a student-athlete from their attendance zone in grades 7-12, whether in school or non-school practice, will count as part of the eight hours of practice allowed outside of the school day during the school week under state law.

School coaches are not allowed to coach student-athletes in grades 7-12 from their attendance zone in non-school tournaments or competition during the school year. As wrestling is an individual sport, there is not a set season for school practice outside the school day, as long as the 8-hour rule is not violated. NOTE: This would not prohibit a school coach from coaching student-athletes in grades 7-12 in freestyle, Greco-Roman and other forms of wrestling in non-school tournaments.

For non-school practice, the wrestling club would have to contract with the school to utilize school facilities. Non-school and school practice could not be held at the same time. There must be separation between when the school practice is complete and when the non-school club is allowed to use the facility.

Outside of the school year, the restrictions are somewhat less. In non-school competition, outside of the school year, coaches in individual sports are allowed to coach student-athletes from their attendance zone. The use of school funds, school equipment or school transportation is still prohibited. The wrestling mat is considered much the same as the standards in volleyball and the goals in basketball, in that they may be used in association with non-school practice and competition.

Non-School Tournament
If a student participates in a non-school tournament, it will not count as one of his/her school tournaments providing he/she is not representing the school. A student athlete could be considered to be representing the school if, in a non-school tournament, a student is wearing school uniforms or equipment, using school transportation, or is being directed in the tournament by a coach paid for by the school.

National Tournaments
  • Student-Athletes Under the Eight-Tournament Limit: A national tournament could be considered as one of the school-sponsored tournaments allowed during the school year under UIL rules for wrestling. A tournament is considered school-sponsored if the school coach coaches the athlete, the athlete uses school equipment or transportation or if the event is paid for out of school funds. If the student-athlete is attending the event as one of the eight school-sponsored tournaments allowed during the school year, there can be no competition on Sunday.
  • Student Athletes at the Eight-Tournament Limit: If however, the student-athlete is at the tournament limit, a national tournament would have to be done as a non-school activity. When an individual chooses to compete in a non-school activity, school funds (including booster club funds) cannot be utilized, the school coach could not coach the athlete if the tournament is during the school year, school equipment or transportation may not be used, and the student-athlete may not represent the school.
  • Funding School Sponsored Trips: Booster club funds may not be given directly to individual student athletes or coaches to help fund a non-school activity. Any booster club (or other outside) funds utilized for this activity would have to be donated to the school and the school would have to approved expenditure of these funds. The booster club can request the funds be used for this specific activity, but the school has the ultimate authority over those funds. School funds cannot be used to fund non-school trips or activities.

Weight Control Plan

Minimum Weight Certification Program
Information regarding the UIL Minimum Weight Certification Program can be found here.

Hydration Assessments
The Hydration Test is simply a pass/fail assessment based on the specific gravity level less than or equal to 1.025. A specific gravity level greater than 1.025 would be considered a failure on the hydration test.
  • Hydration level will be judged using a color chart. If schools or assessors wish to provide dipsticks or a Urine Specific Gravity Refractometer and related materials for hydration testing, that would also be acceptable.
  • Any attempt to violate the protocols of the weight certification process, by adulterating a sample or attempting to cheat, will result in the assessment process being ended, and the student not being eligible for reassessment for 24 hours, at which time they would begin the process from the start.
  • If the athlete fails the hydration assessment, the athlete will not be eligible for reassessment for 24 hours and must meet the hydration requirement before the skinfold measurement takes place.
  • If the athlete passes the hydration assessment, they must have their Alpha Weight determined immediately, on that date, without any exercise or delays.
Hydration Assessment Preparation Recommendations

Must be requested and submitted in writing (via email) to the UIL office within seven (7) calendar days of the initial skinfold assessment date. Additional appeal information can be found here.
Guidelines to Reduce the Incidence of Skin Disease in Wrestling
The following guidelines are not meant to be all-inclusive of what may need to be done to prevent skin diseases from occurring in wrestling. They provide practical suggestions that, when implemented, should reduce the incidence of skin diseases among high school wrestlers. Some of the guidelines go above and beyond what would normally need to be done to prevent skin infections from occurring. However, in instances where some wrestlers, or an entire team, seem to be extremely susceptible to skin diseases, the more extreme guidelines may prove to be worthwhile. Whatever the procedures used, restricting wrestlers with skin lesions and keeping a clean wrestling environment are the keys to reducing the incidence of skin infections.
General Guidelines
  • Clean wrestling mats daily, preferably within one hour of practice or competition, using a disinfectant cleaner. Allow mats to air dry before using.
  • Wash all mats with disinfectant on a regular basis (one or two times weekly).
  • Wipe weight room benches with disinfectant before and after use.
    • Launder towels, practice gear and uniforms after each use. Do not allow any wrestler into the practice room without clean practice gear.
  • Wipe headgear
  • and shoes with disinfectant after each practice.
    • Do not allow wrestlers to share any items of practice gear. If they must share, make sure the items are cleaned with disinfectant before they are transferred.
  • Require each wrestler to shower after each practice and contest using disinfectant soap.
    • Open the doors to the practice room and use fans to lower the heat and humidity. Proper ventilation is important in destroying disease-carrying bacteria.
  • Do not allow wrestlers to share towels during practice or competition.
  • Neoprene sleeves and support braces should be wiped with disinfectant after each use.
    • Wrestlers should keep their fingernails trimmed short to avoid scratching themselves or someone else, as any opening in the skin increases the risk of infection.
    • Wrestlers who have been susceptible to skin diseases in the past may want to visit with their family physician regarding preventative oral medication, which may be available.
Guidelines for Wrestlers Who Have a Skin Disease.
  • Wrestlers with any sign of skin disease should be withheld from practice and competition until a medical diagnosis and clearance is obtained.
  • Wrestlers having any signs or symptoms of a skin disorder should be sent for evaluation immediately.
    • If a wrestler with a skin disease has current written clearance from a physician to participate, the affected area should be covered with a water-resistant dressing or a gauze pad with a water-resistant covering to reduce the risk of infecting others.
  • Coaches must present the written clearance form to the meet director or lead official at the weigh-ins.
  • If a designated on-site medical professional is present at the weigh-ins, he or she has the authority to rule on any suspect communicable skin conditions. This medical professional has the authority to allow or deny, the participant regardless of written clearance from a physician.
  • Wrestlers with any sign of skin disease should wash their hands frequently to avoid contaminating themselves or others.
Blood Clean Up Procedures
Any school that hosts a tournament should have policies in place to handle the clean-up of blood on mats and participants during competition. Following are some suggestions to help aid in this clean-up.
  • Develop a mixture in a spray bottle of approximately 1-part bleach to 100 parts water and have it available at the mat side. Use disposable paper towels.
  • Have a designated individual (trainer, asst. coach, or manager) with clean protective gloves, ready at all times.
  • Stop match immediately when blood is found on mat and have the official direct the clean-up person to the blood.
  • Once the blood is removed, place paper towels and used gloves in a receptacle designated for blood clean-up items.
  • Only persons with protective gloves should remove blood or other body fluids from the mat.
Please refer to the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules, Section 1204 on the UIL website (, for the latest information regarding officials (fee schedule, tournament fees, travel reimbursement, mileage calculator, scrimmage fees, other allowable expenses, scratch form, evaluation form, FAQs, etc.).

Assignment of Officials Out of the UIL Office
  • Member schools shall use registered officials in all varsity contests.
  • Neutral Officials: In all contests, schools should always attempt to secure neutral officials who have no affiliation with either school.
  • Once a match has begun there shall be no protest based on the selection of match officials. Beginning a contest constitutes agreement.
  • Payment of officials shall be according to Section 1204 in the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules.