Financial Information
Annual Financial Reports
The University of Texas at Austin provides land for the building, furniture and administrative support for the UIL.
The League's sources of income are: membership dues; participation fees; contest fees; open records productions; publication sales; the admission price for state level cross-country, swimming and diving, tennis, wrestling and one-act play contests; an annually determined percentage of admission prices for state level baseball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, and marching band contests; an annually determined percentage of football and basketball post district gate receipts; proceeds from radio and television broadcasting and telecasting contracts; as well as proceeds from sponsorships and advertising.
The UIL publishes and sells many bulletins. The money the UIL receives is used to publish the Constitution and Contest Rules and other UIL publications used in UIL activities; to purchase printed material to improve UIL contests; for teacher-student clinics; for investigations; for salaries; for the purchase of awards; and to conduct state contests.