Previous UIL Directors
The position of UIL director was officially established on May 3, 1913, with the appointment of Dr. E.D. Shurter. Serving as the chief administrative officer, the director is appointed by the President of The University of Texas at Austin and is supervised by the Vice-President for Administration.
The UIL's longest-serving director was Roy Bedichek, who served from 1922 to 1947, and is commonly viewed as the inspiration behind much of the League's philosophy. During his 26 years, he would transform the UIL into an educational organization like no other of its kind. While other state associations sought only to regulate sports, Bedichek saw the UIL as a partner in the improvement of the total educational experience.
While the position of director has increased in profile, its mission remains true to the League's founding principles of education, sportsmanship and fair competition. Since 1910, the League has had six directors, serving as stewards of the organization and its mission to benefit the students of Texas.

E.D. Shurter
UIL Director from 1910 - 1922

Roy Bedichek
UIL Director from 1922 - 1948

Rodney J. Kidd
UIL Director from 1948 - 1968

Rhea H. Williams, Ed.D
UIL Director from 1968 - 1977

Bailey M. Marshall, Ph.D
UIL Director from 1977 - 1995

William D. Farney, Ph.D
UIL Director from 1995 - 2009