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University Interscholastic League Logo

2023-2024 Rule Changes

Pending approval of the Commissioner of Education, all amendments will be effective for the 2023-2024 school year, unless otherwise noted.


No rule changes approved for the 23-24 school year.


High School Athletic Contests

  • Section 1220(f)(2): BASEBALL PLAN, POST SEASON PLAYOFFS: This amendment allows a pilot for post season in Conference 5A and 6A requiring a two-out-of-three series unless both schools agree to a single game. This amendment would apply to all post- season rounds prior to the state tournament.
  • Golf Tournament Regulations – Golf Manual, This amendment to the UIL Golf Manual allows for two coaches to coach at district, regional, and state competition. 

Elementary/Jr. High School Athletic Contests

  • Section 1478(c)(3)(A),(B): 7TH-8TH GRADE ATHLETIC PLAN, SIXTH GRADE PARTICIPATION: This amendment allows for a pilot program in Conference 1A and 2A to field as many as two teams when 6th grade participation is vital to team sports. This amendment would also allow for participation in individual sports in Conference 1A and 2A in schools who meet the criteria for allowing sixth grade participation in team sports. This amendment would allow schools to use sixth graders for any activities that follow on the calendar once
  • they qualify to use sixth graders in another activity.
  • Section 1478(l)(4): 7-8TH GRADE ATHLETIC PLAN: This amendment allows for two of the allowable six junior high meets to start no earlier than 2:00 p.m.


  • Section 1102(f)(6): GENERAL REGULATIONS, This amendment increases a music region committee’s maximum fund balance percentage from 25% to 50% of the prior two years average annual operating budget expenditures.
  • Section 1102(f)(10): GENERAL REGULATIONS, This amendment changes a music region committee’s deadline to submit the required financial report from June 30th to July 31st
  • Section 1106(h)(1),(2): AREA MARCHING BAND CONTEST, This amendment reduces the number of bands necessary to have a second round at the area contest from fourteen to ten.
  • Section 1107(a): STATE MARCHING BAND CONTEST, This amendment changes the contest from an alternating-year format to an every-year format.
  • Section 1107(g): STATE MARCHING BAND CONTEST, This amendment changes 4A bands from being evaluated utilizing the five-judge system to being evaluated utilizing the seven-judge system
  • Section 1111(a)(3): SIGHT-READING EVALUATION, This amendment increases the committee member term from two years to three years.
  • Section 1111(f)(9): SIGHT-READING EVALUATION, This amendment extends the two-part sight-reading option that exists for middle school and junior high choirs to high school choirs.
  • Section 1112(a)(11): ADJUDICATION, This amendment removes the word maximum from the honorarium language. 


  • This amendment updates rules regarding students in custodial placements who are relocated by an appropriate authority to a new custodial placement in a different school attendance zone prior to that student being enrolled in the school for a year.
  • Section 1208(a)(2): ATHLETIC REGULATIONS This amendment allows 2A schools the option to play ‘up’ into 4A soccer, as 3A schools can do currently.
  • This amendment to the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules, UIL-TEA Side by Side and Previous Athletic Participation Form (PAPF) amends UIL rules and policies to comply with legislation passed by the Texas Legislature.
  • This amendment alters Reclassification and Realignment Policy related to the conference placement of UIL member charter schools and traditional high schools in school districts with high schools in more than three conferences. The language aligns with current practice for placing charter schools in conferences and allows staff the option to place charter schools as much as one (1) conference above the conference for which their enrollment qualifies if specific criteria exist. The amendment proposes to better align policy for traditional high schools and charter schools in similar circumstances.