Subchapter E - REC, WRB, SOC
- (a) The Regional Executive Committee shall decide questions of qualification and entry and clerical disputes arising at a regional meet.
(b) The State Executive Committee shall decide questions of eligibility or violation of the
Contest Ethics Code.
- (a) WAIVER OFFICER. The Executive Director shall appoint a Waiver Officer along with deputies who may act on behalf of the Waiver Officer in his or her absence.
(b) HEARING OFFICER. The Executive Director of the UIL may appoint a Hearing Officer to rule on appeals.
(c) PURPOSE. The Waiver Review Board or a UIL Hearing Officer shall review the decision of the Waiver Officer when an appeal is filed.
(d) COMPOSITION. The Waiver Review Board consists of twelve persons, whose terms begin on June 1. After consulting the chair of the State Executive Committee, the chair of the Legislative Council shall appoint six members to serve for one (1) year. A member of the Legislative Council is not eligible to serve on the Waiver Review Board. Each of the six conferences shall elect a member of the board, who shall serve for four (4) years. The election shall be conducted in the manner specified in Section 25 for election of members of the Legislative Council. Conference rotation within basketball regions is as follows:Conference Region Term Ends
3A III 2021
1A IV 2022
4A IV 2022
5A I 2023
6A II 2023
2A II 2024(e) VACANCY. If an elected member of the Waiver Review Board ceases to be a superintendent or principal, joins a school that is not a member, joins a member school in another region, resigns as a member, or otherwise becomes unable to serve or if the member school is transferred to another region, the member vacates the office. When the member’s position is vacated, the Executive Director shall conduct an election of an individual to complete the unexpired term if two (2) years or more remain, under Section 25. If less than two (2) years remain of the unexpired term, the chair of the Legislative Council shall appoint a replacement from the same conference and region as the person who is vacating the position, to fill the unexpired term.
(f) REPLACEMENT. If an appointed member of the Waiver Review Board resigns or becomes unable to serve, the chair of the Legislative Council shall appoint a person to complete the unexpired term.
(g) CHAIR OF THE WAIVER REVIEW BOARD. Each year the members of the Waiver Review Board shall elect a member of the board to serve as chair. The chair shall preside at meetings of the board or designate another member to preside, appoint committees of the board, and designate a person to keep records and may appoint panels of three members to review cases.
(1) Appointments. The chair of the State Executive Committee appoints the members of the Sports Officials Committee each April for annual terms beginning June 1. The committee shall be composed of five member school administrators, with at least one from each UIL region, and four at-large members, each representing a sports officials chapter or association. The committee shall elect a chair annually at the first meeting after June 30.
(2) Business Meeting Quorum. Six members of the Sports Officials Committee constitutes a quorum for business meetings.
(3) Quorum For Panels. In cases involving violations, appeals, applications for official interpretations by a sports official, cases involving misconduct by a sports official, or any other case the chair of the Sports Officials Committee determines is within the committee’s jurisdiction, the UIL Sports Officials Committee may sit in panels of three voting members and two of the three members constitute a quorum. A panel must include at least one member who is a member school administrator and one member who represents a sports officials chapter or association.(b) RESPONSIBILITIES. The Sports Officials Committee shall provide independent and impartial direction of the UIL by:
(1) at the request of the State Executive Committee, interpreting rules from the Constitution and Contest Rules related to sports officials;
(2) enforcing the rules and regulations contained in the Constitution and Contest Rules that apply to sports officials;
(3) hearing appeals of sports officials found ineligible for UIL sports officials registration due to criminal background check findings; and
(4) otherwise acting within its jurisdiction.(c) JURISDICTION. The Sports Officials Committee shall decide:
(1) a report of violation of rules from the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules related to sports officials by a sports official; and
(2) an appeal from a sports official related to the findings of a criminal background check.
(3) This subchapter shall not be interpreted to limit the power of the Sports Officials Committee in making investigations and initiating proceedings against any sports official who has officiated or otherwise worked any game or contest between UIL member schools at any level of competition, regardless of the sports officials registration status, when sufficient justification exists. However, in no event shall the committee have any jurisdiction in regards to any protests or otherwise determining the outcome of any games or contests.
(4) The committee shall adopt criteria for the UIL recognition of new sports officials associations or chapters and make a determination as to whether the association or chapter in question meets the adopted criteria. The committee shall publish and make publicly available the criteria chosen and adopt a fair and open process for the committee to employ when considering UIL recognition of an association or chapter.(d) SPECIAL PROCEDURAL RULES. The UIL Sports Officials Committee may adopt special rules of procedure, not inconsistent with the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules, upon the recommendation of the chair to facilitate the:
(1) executive and administrative processes during business meetings; and
(2) judicial processes during evidentiary hearings and open meetings.(e) PARLIAMENTARIAN. The chair of the Sports Officials Committee may appoint a parliamentarian during business meetings and public hearings.
The UIL adopts the following Code of Ethics for all of its committees:
(a) OVERVIEW(1) Pursuant to Section 572.051(c) of the Texas Government Code and University of Texas at Austin policy, the University Interscholastic League (UIL) promulgates the following Ethics Policy:
(2) This ethics policy prescribes standards of conduct for all persons who serve on any UIL committee or otherwise perform work on behalf of a UIL committee. This policy does not apply to UIL employees, who are covered by University of Texas at Austin policies.
(3) This ethics policy does not supersede any applicable federal or Texas law or administrative rule. All persons who serve on UIL committees or otherwise perform work on a UIL committee’s behalf must familiarize themselves with this ethics policy.
(4) All persons who serve on UIL committees or otherwise perform work on behalf of a UIL committee must abide by all applicable federal and Texas laws, administrative rules, and the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules, including this ethics policy.
(5) A UIL committee member or person performing services for a UIL committee who violates any provision of this ethics policy may be removed from a committee by the appropriate District Executive Committee (or equivalent) or the State Executive Committee and is subject to a range of sanctions set forth in Sections 27 and 29 of the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules. A person who serves on a UIL committee or otherwise performs work on a UIL committee’s behalf and who violates any applicable federal or Texas law or rule may be subject to civil or criminal penalties in addition to any UIL-related sanction.(b) STANDARDS OF CONDUCT. All persons who serve on UIL committees or otherwise perform work on a UIL committee’s behalf shall:
(1) Perform his or her official duties in a lawful, professional, and ethical manner befitting the state and UIL; and
(2) Report any conduct or activity that the person or committee member believes to be in violation of this ethics policy to the appropriate District Executive Committee or the UIL Executive Director (or his or her designee).(c) All persons who serve on UIL committees or otherwise perform work on a UIL committee’s behalf shall not:
(1) Accept or solicit any gift, favor, or service that might reasonably tend to influence a person in the discharge of official duties, or that the person knows or should know is being offered with the intent to influence the person’s official conduct;
(2) Intentionally or knowingly solicit, accept, or agree to accept any benefit for having exercised his or her official powers or performed his or her official duties in favor of another;
(3) Disclose confidential information, information that is excepted from public disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act (Tex. Gov’t Code Ann. Ch. 552), or information that has been ordered sealed by a court, that was acquired by reason of the person’s official position, or accept employment, including self-employment, or engage in a business, charity, nonprofit organization, or professional activity that the employee might reasonably expect would require or induce the employee to disclose confidential information;
(4) Accept employment, including self-employment, or compensation or engage in a business, charity, non-profit organization, or professional activity that could reasonably be expected to impair the employee’s independence of judgement in the performance of the person’s official business;
(5) Make personal investments, or have a personal or financial interest, that could reasonably be expected to create a substantial conflict between the person’s private interest and the public interest;
(6) Utilize UIL meetings, events or contests, property, facilities, or equipment for any purpose other than official UIL business, unless such use is reasonable and incidental and does not result in any direct cost to the state or UIL, interfere with the person’s official duties, and interfere with UIL functions;
(7) Utilize his or her official position, or state issued items, such as a badge, indicating such position for financial gain, obtaining privileges, or avoiding consequences of illegal acts;
(8) Knowingly make misleading statements, either oral or written, or provide false information, in the course of official UIL business; or
(9) Engage in any political activity or utilize UIL resources for any political activity during the course of a UIL committee meeting or when otherwise conducting UIL-related business.