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University Interscholastic League Logo
University Interscholastic League Logo

Softball Contact Info

Assistant Athletic Director:
Grace McDowell

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Department Phone:

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State Champions

Softball Frequently Asked Questions

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May players take private lessons during the school season?
Yes. Players may take private lessons anytime, except during the school day or during school practice time.
What determines subvarsity eligibility?
A student is eligible for junior varsity competition by meeting the following two criteria. The student must:
  1. be academically eligible,
  2. be enrolled as a full time student.
If a school does not offer softball at the Junior High level, may the 7th and 8th grade girls play on the high school team?
No. Seventh and eighth grade girls may not play on high school teams unless they are overage (15 on or before September 1). If the middle school does not offer softball, middle school girls may attend camps and clinics, receive private instruction, and play on non-school teams, without jeopardizing the high school teams.
May athletes attend non-school camps or participate on non-school teams during the school season?
UIL rule does not prohibit students from attending camps or playing on non-school teams during the school year. However, local district policy may be more restrictive than UIL rules.
What ball may schools use throughout their season?
Schools may use the ball of their choice. The Baden Perfection Pro is the state sponsored ball for the UIL Softball State Tournament.
Do pool play tournament games count towards your season record?
No, if the games played in the pools are 4 innings (extra inning for ties only) or less.
Can a coach give private pitching lessons?
Yes, to any student 6th grade or below or students 7th-12th grade not in their attendance zone.